Sunday, 04 April 2021 18:01

Apex Legends: The 5 Best Legends For King's Canyon | Game Rant

Written by Erik Petrovich
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While Respawn's Apex Legends has a balanced roster of characters, some are better equipped for certain maps. Which legends are best for King's Canyon?

Apex Legends differs from other battle royales like Fortnite and Warzone for two primary reasons: its class-and-ability-based team compositions, and its inclusion of three maps (not one) that rotate in and out of play each season. While every legend is relatively balanced, with no one choice reigning supreme over the others, each map benefits particular legends more than others. The hard-to-climb areas of Olympus benefit Pathfinder more than the wide-open fields of World's Edge, for example.

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King's Canyon is the oldest map in Apex Legends and generally considered the least fun. It's not just common to get third-partied on King's Canyon, it's practically guaranteed. While most of the map is contained (as the name might suggest) in various canyons, the areas themselves are complex and huge. Enemy squads can see combat from miles away and will ambush out of absolutely nowhere. The open layout of this map benefits legends who can keep the squad alive long enough to outlast their attackers.

5 Revenant

Revenant is a terrifying champion whose very presence on the team is usually accompanied by character-to-character dialogue about the specter-assassin. Revenant's strengths are best used in team battles, where shutting down multiple enemies and giving teammates a second chance can turn the tide of the fight instantaneously. He's good both offensively and defensively, and his passive is very useful for quickly navigating the cliffs' tricky terrain stealthily.

Revenant's tactical ability Silence deals a small bit of damage and prevents enemies from using any abilities for a few seconds. This is especially useful against legends with combat-centric abilities, like Horizon, Fuse, and Gibraltar. Fellow players can interact with Revenant's Death Totem, which will respawn them at the totem upon death with half health. On King's Canyon, it's extremely common to suddenly find oneself in the middle of an all-out multi-squad brawl – getting a second chance in those situations can easily overwhelm enemies.

4 Wattson

King's Canyon is full of points where areas and common paths merge together, which inevitably means lots of action. Grenades are great in team fights, particularly when the enemies are all bunched up together. This has been especially true since the addition of Fuse (who can carry twice the normal amount of grenades and throws them faster and more accurately), and the use of ordnance is becoming more of a factor in the game.

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Wattson's ultimate ability Interception Pylon is one of the best in the game. It's kind of like a fusion between Gibraltar's shield and Lifeline's healing, but instead of blocking bullets or restoring health, the Pylon blocks grenades and restores shields. In the current meta, defending against incoming projectiles and enemy abilities (e.g. Horizon and Fuse) is crucial, and Wattson comes in clutch against these exact tactics.

3 Gibraltar

Speaking of great defenses, Gibraltar is perhaps the best defensive legend in Apex Legends. He takes less damage than other legends because of his passive, and his abilities are the perfect tools for establishing a defense and walling off enemies from specific areas. King's Canyon is a very open map with lots of places for enemies to stake out and strike from far away. Gibraltar's tactical Dome of Protection is the perfect answer to distant enemies, as it provides cover both for the incoming shots and for a quick getaway.

Gibraltar's strength is not just his defensive capabilities. His ultimate Defensive Bombardment is perfect for wrecking cornered enemies or for walling off an area from escape. Hypothetically, say the ring is closing near the middle of the map, there will be multiple small paths that lead to the central canyon, all of which can be bombarded to block it off as an option for enemies. It's especially useful towards the end of the game when enemies are much closer together and the threat of the ring is at its highest.

2 Lifeline

Lifeline is an all-around good champion for any squad thanks mostly to her passive ability which lets her use her drone to revive teammates while she continues a fight. King's Canyon is an open map where players have a broad view of the battlefield at most times. Her ultimate ability Care Package is easily visible to other players on this map for this reason, and should be used sparingly; unless that is, someone wants the attention.

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Lifeline is particularly useful on King's Canyon for her unparalleled ability to support a team on her own. Even if the rest of the squad goes down in a sudden ambush, a smart lifeline can revive their teammates while continuing the fight and get them back to full health. Her tactical ability is very useful for a squad trying to recover after an assault, and her passive is easily the most useful in the game. However, be careful when using Lifeline's ultimate on King's Canyon specifically.

1 Bangalore

Despite her appearance as a front-line fighter, Bangalore is actually a very evasive and even stealthy legend to play. King's Canyon is a map that favors squads who can make use of the high visibility, but Bangalore's tactical Smoke Launcher is a great way to trick enemies and block their line of sight. Bangalore's smoke can be used to dupe an enemy into thinking that an assault is coming from a different angle than actually intended, in addition to its defensive uses.

Bangalore's ultimate Rolling Thunder is an ability with two main uses: to quickly respond to an enemy ambush and to block off routes of travel from enemies. Rolling Thunder summons explosives to the targeted area much faster than similar abilities like Gibraltar's Bombardment. Additionally, its speed makes it great for controlling the movements of enemy squads who won't suspect the incoming explosives until it's too late. It is perfect for trapping enemies who are trying to get away from the fight.

NEXT: Apex Legends: Every Legend, Ranked (2021)

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