Sunday, 04 April 2021 23:00

Warface: 10 Pro Tips To Dominate Matches | Game Rant

Written by Rhenn Taguiam
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Warface offers a unique experience to fans of first-person shooters. Here's a guide to help players become champions in online matches.

Fans of first-person shooters will find a one-of-a-kind experience with Warface for the Nintendo Switch. This portable military shooter will have players go toe-to-toe with each other as soldiers trained in the art of modern warfare. As with its counterparts, Warface has its fair share of gameplay modes, realistic weapons, and a familiar control setup. However, this time around, Warface also offers classes, gear, and more fluid controls that will demand more skill from players.

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Players can expect action-packed sequences packed in Warface's various maps and modes. However, for players who want to decimate opponents, just what pro moves should they pull off to assert their dominance?

10 Check The Class Lineup

The loading screen and scoreboard are two of the most important things a Warface player can look at in a match. Not only do these screens show the map and overall scores, they also provide fundamental input on the nature of the players on both sides. Rank approximates the skill level of the enemy team. However, it's Class lineup that potentially predicts their movement.

While Riflemen dominate the frontlines, other Classes might start playing around the map. For instance, knowing how many Snipers exist helps players know how many to look for on top of structures. Likewise, identifying the number of Medics can let players know how many potential shotgun campers might be waiting on hidden corners.

9 Explore The Map From Corner To Corner

Players who want to start engaging in the match shouldn't travel to the contested middle ground. This leaves them exposed in all directions. Instead, start exploring from one corner to the next, tracing the outline of the map. Aside from being a form of a map sweep, this also lets players take note of shortcuts and potential blind spots that will lead enemies straight to their base.

Additionally, exploring from corner to corner allows the player to flank the enemy. This strategy forces the enemy team to disperse forces to focus on their sides, meaning those in the middle have free reign to chase enemies,.

8 Optimize Advanced Movement

Thanks to Warface's Switch-optimized controls, players can do more than just basic jumps, crouches, and crawls. They can slide on command, vault over obstacles, and help other players reach high places. Enemies likely use the same advanced movement to catch the players by surprise and rake in those K/D numbers.

Players need to use these skills to their advantage. For instance, players can lift Snipers to higher spaces so they can reach their targets. Likewise, players can slide to cover much faster since it takes time for enemies to aim downwards to shoot them. Additionally, jumping while on a shootout can disorient attackers and force them to lose focus.

7 Always Head For Cover

Players should keep an eye out for cover at all costs, regardless of what they're doing in a match. Rushing for cover at all times is good practice as this gives players a quick exit should the enemy surprise them. This cover philosophy applies to all aspects of combat, from movement to reloading.

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For instance, moving from cover-to-cover when crossing a room will provide protection from potential enemy encounters. In firefights, taking cover will force enemies to head to the player's position, allowing the player time to prepare a counter-assault. Likewise, reloading in cover ensures players don't leave themselves exposed.

6 Sway The Gun When Switching Targets

Remember, aim-shoot-aim is a relatively slow approach to fast-paced firefights in Warface. Players become vulnerable when they have to precisely re-aim their guns after every shot. In fact, players can get more shots in if they aim at one enemy, fire a burst of shots, and then swaying to switch targets.

All players are around the same height, meaning players who successfully kill a target can kill their companion just by swaying to the left or right. With this in mind, players can have the wiggle room prepared to only re-aim when attacking enemies from above or below.

5 Always Aim Above Center Mass

Shooter fans know that headshot frequency is a mark of a true marksman. For fast-paced Warface and its movement mechanics, though, aiming for headshots can leave players vulnerable. However, pro players can approach their headshot training from a simpler perspective: just keep aiming above center mass.

One important rule in shooters is to aim for center mass (the torso area). This does the most damage and, with the right burst, kills enemies outright. However, it's a good habit to aim for the chest area. Enemies who move forwards and backwards will shift the player's cursor view to a different part of their body. Keeping the aim above center mass leaves players with more room for enemies to accidentally "readjust" themselves for headshots – or for the player's recoil to do the job for them.

4 Keep An Eye On Doors And Passageways

Doors and passageways remain a constant feature in Warface, and players often neglect the importance of these pathways. Anything that looks like a doorway likely leads to somewhere else on the map. This is something both the player team and enemy team can use.

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If possible, players should keep their sights to any doorways they pass. Moreover, the occasional grenade won't hurt, as the explosion can distract enemies outside of the passageway and kill enemies inside of it. Additionally, if allies suddenly get killed in a seemingly-empty area, the culprit is likely hiding near a passageway, so players should keep an eye out.

3 Maximize Explosive Kills

Most players end up using the Frag Grenade as a standard "distraction" during gunfights. However, players can utilize grenades more efficiently if they know where to throw them. Doing this successfully can take out multiple enemies at a time and tip the scales to the team's favor.

Players should throw grenades not to where enemies currently are, but to where they'll be. For instance, players close to enemy spawn points can throw a grenade to take out unsuspecting foes. Likewise, players can flush enemies out of hiding spots by throwing a grenade to their direction. In contested areas, players whose death is imminent should throw the grenade immediately. This way, the grenade falls on their body and can take out enemies who try to get close.

2 Keep An Ear Out For Steps And Gunshots

In Warface, players can hear the minutest of steps and gunshots – and sometimes identify the direction they're coming from. Players can take advantage of this to stop, take cover, and wait for potential enemies to get close. They can also use this to identify the general direction of enemies, perfect for sweeping a room where allies have just been killed.

Additionally, getting into an area that's too quiet should be a cause for concern. Players who don't hear footsteps other than theirs should try to get out immediately, as this means other enemies scouting the area will only hear the player's steps.

1 Secure The Six

When facing an enemy team, it's the surprise attack that disorients them and forces them to choke. Players should make it a habit never to have their back facing an open area, as this screams vulnerability. Instead, players should often retreat to cover and see if they're being followed, especially in an area with multiple corners and turning points.

This advice becomes essential the closer the player gets to the middle ground. After all, these places are likely to see the enemy entering or passing. This means it's always a possibility that the enemy can backtrack and encounter the roaming player.

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