Monday, 05 April 2021 13:29

Valheim Player Recreates Lord of the Rings Hobbit Hole

Written by Brendan Dick
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A Valheim player lovingly recreates Bilbo's hobbit hole from Lord of the Rings by using a clever portal trick to take players inside.

In another impressive feat of ingenuity within Valheim, a player has recreated a hobbit hole from Lord of the Rings. In order to work around Valheim's building limitations, the player used a neat trick involving a portal to recreate the underground portion of the home.

In a beautiful tribute to Lord of the Rings, Redditor MrBegonia created a hobbit home. Not just any hobbit home, but Bag End. Bilbo's house and legendary meeting place in The Hobbit, as well as the point of departure in Fellowship of the Rings. The build is complicated by the fact that players can't dig underground in Valheim. Instead, each block cleared by a pickaxe also clears the blocks above it, meaning that the sky—unless covered by a structure—will always be visible. This makes recreating a building that is literally built into the side of a hill quite difficult. MrBegonia's clever workaround was to use a portal to double both as the round entrance door, but also to transport the player to a structure that is masquerading as the inside of the building.

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In a list of massive architectural accomplishments in Valheim, MrBegonia's Bag End stands as one of the most creative. Once transported through the portal, the player is taken to the inside of Bilbo's home. A quick left from the entrance leads players into the dining room where Gandalf and Bilbo have tea in the film. A right turn takes players into the living room that served to host Thorin and his company of dwarves in The Hobbit.

But using a portal as an entrance is not the only sly trick employed in this build. In the kitchen, MrBegonia has set up cooking meat without a fire. This neat trick is achieved by first building the setup and then deleting the underlying fire. The ultimate effect is that there is sizzling meat on the kitchen counter, appearing as though it has just finished cooking. When paired with other nuanced details, the hobbit hole impresses because of the tiny tricks employed during its creation.

As Valheim continues to grow in popularity, it becomes increasingly inevitable that players will recreate legendary places from Lord of the Rings in-game. After all, only shortly after its release, a player had meticulously recreated Sauron's tower, adorned by the flaming eye and all. If players are thinking of dropping in at Bag End, read the sign on the door, "No Admittance."

Valheim is available now on PC.

MORE: Valheim: The 9 Best Mods That You Need To Try

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