Wednesday, 28 July 2021 13:59

Outriders: The Best Build For The Tech Shaman Technomancer

Written by Hodey Johns
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A complete guide to the very best Tech Shaman Technomancer build.

This is a matter of opinion, of course, but there is a strong case to make that the healer build in Outriders is the best healing class in all of gaming. Of course, with other games throwing out healers that can make their teammates immortal, that's quite the statement to back up. It's less about the volume of healing and buffs and more about the fact that the Tech Shaman Technomancer can be a fully functioning damage dealer while also being the primary healing build in the game.

RELATED: Outriders: How The Story Point System Works

But none of that matters without the right setup. With healing done linked to total damage, it's not easy to tell which skills, weapons, and mods maximize total damage in a way that best heals teammates. No worries, this is the right place to be to become not only the best healer on Enoch, but also one of the best damage dealers, tanks, and disablers as well. It's safe to say that anybody who builds the Tech Shaman correctly is going to be getting a lot of group invitations.

Updated on July 27th, 2021 by Hodey Johns: It's hard to think of any games that have been updated and altered more than Outriders has in the first few months. The relationship between developer and community has been rocky at best, but communication is clear and active. The title itself has seen sweeping changes throughout, and the Technomancer has seen its fair share of changes.  This guide has been updated to reflect the latest balances and a section has been added regarding how to properly play the character in a group.

  • Medical Unit: Activating a Gadget increases all healing received by allied units by 30%.
  • Exposing Frist: Freeze inflicts Vulnerable.
  • Overclocked: Activating a Gadget skill increases Weapon Damage and Anomaly Power by 40% for ten seconds. Losing all health will give the Technomancer a chance to respawn with 50% of their maximum health back.

Playing looking to climb the charts might want to consider enlisting the help of some friends. But other players can only carry so much. Without the right nodes selected, the Tech Shaman can become dead weight in a hurry.

For the small nodes, grab both Gadgetgear spots to reduce Gadget cooldowns by 15%. There are also two Sols-56 Freezing Tanks nodes that will combine to increase Freeze time by 40%, which will be great to combine with the Tech Shaman's skills. Lastly, Marked for Execution places a 40% boost to Vulnerability which will be automatically applied along with the Freeze status effect.

The final skill in the tree, Overclocked, is important because it will give the player enough damage to stay relevant. Plus, don't forget the immortality element that it comes with after dying. Medical Unit increases healing after throwing down a Gadget for a seven-second window, which might seem short except that the Tech Shaman will be using a gadget with all three abilities, so it's actually going to be a permanent buff so long as the player is rotating skills correctly.

  • Cryo Turret: Places an automated Cryo Turret that will deal damage and inflict Freeze on enemies. The health will drain over time and by taking damage, but it can be healed by Fixing Wave.
  • Cold Snap: Inflicts Freeze on enemies in a large area.
  • Fixing Wave: Instantly restores 33% of all allies' maximum health and 50% of all turrets' maximum health.

These three skills are non-negotiable. Even when going solo, the Fixing Wave is needed for personal and turret health. Aside from healing, the Tech Shaman's next biggest perk is the ability to put two disables that will help the team against opponents.

RELATED: Outriders: World Tiers Explained

Cryo Turret should be cast every time it goes down. Cold Snapped should be spammed whenever the cooldown is up. By following these two rules, the Technomancer should be able to keep all enemies on the battlefield frozen and taking additional damage.

Fixing Wave is the only move that needs to be played by ear. Keep an eye on the health of teammates, turrets, and, of course, the Technomancer. The cooldown on Fixing Wave is reduced thanks to the nodes that have been selected, so, when in doubt, use it.

  • Breath In: Reduces cooldown time on Fixing Wave.
  • Cleansing Wind: Fixing Wave clears negative status effects from all healed units.
  • Fixer Upper: Activating Fixing Wave increases health regeneration by a fraction of the individual's maximum health.
  • Quartermaster: Activating Fixing Wave replenishes one magazine for each ally.
  • Ice Ice Baby: Enemies hit by Cold Snap that are already inflicted with Freeze take extra damage.

There are only four mods for Fixing Wave and all of them should be used. The Cryo Turret and Cold Snap skills both receive lots of mods from the legendary armor set, but the Healing Wave needs to be added manually.

After finding a crafting table and learning to use it, make sure not to underestimate the power of the Quartermaster skill. On higher World Tiers, running out of ammo is a common problem for everyone. One magazine might not seem like much, but getting an additional clip every time Fixing Wave is cast allows all players to use their best weapons without having to worry about running dry.

  • Assault Rifle: Absolute Zero
  • Sniper Rifle: The Iceberg
  • Pistols: Bolt and Thunder

There is a huge list of legendary weapons, but only two (so far) have mods that freeze enemies. The Iceberg and the Absolute Zero are fantastic for the Tech Shaman because they will want weapons that are medium and long-range.

RELATED: Outriders: Crafting Materials Explained

That being said, don't be afraid to rip out their mods and use them in other weapons that are more suited to personal style. Some guns heal, but only personally and none of them touch on what the Tech Shaman's skills are capable of, so there is a great deal of freedom here.

  • Borealis Monarch Set: Increase weapon damage against frozen enemies by 80%. Also, critical damage is increased for all party members by 10% for 8 seconds after using Cold Snap.

There is truly only one choice for this build for legendary armor sets, but it's a choice that gives this build enough damage that people could easily mistake the Tech Shaman for a pure damage build if they didn't pay attention to all of the healing going out.

The Borealis Monarch set will help the Tech Shaman with a damage increase of 80% against frozen targets (with the correct weapon mods, this will be 100% of all targets). And it gives tons of mods to boost Cold Snap and Cryo Turret.

The gloves, pants, and boots each have a superfluous mod to replace with Fixing Wave mods when the player gets some time to craft. Collecting the entire set can be a hassle, but there is nothing in the game quite as in demand as the Tech Shaman, so being the best of the best will really stand out in parties.

The biggest obstacle for the Tech Shaman is the push for more damage. More damage equates to better times which means better gear opportunities. Outriders isn't designed for charity cases and bringing along a "healer" is often viewed as limiting the party's potential.

But mathematically, the Tech Shaman makes up for this disadvantage. By giving the team essentially double damage on critical hits, their DPS will shoot through the roof (just be sure to keep using Cold Snap when the cooldown is ready). And freezing opponents in place makes landing shots on weak points a snap for the entire team and the damage dealers will be grateful for this.

Aside from the obvious healing, which is largely done passively, the Tech Shaman should keep as many opponents frozen in place as possible. Don't be afraid of the Tech Shaman's own damage. It won't be as high as a pure damage dealer, of course, but every little bit counts. If the Tech Shaman can hold their own on the damage board, then the time limits won't be an issue.

Make sure to remind teammates that the Tech Shaman is boosting their damage. It's easy for other players to gloat, but if they get cocky and think they can win without their Technomancer, they will be in for a rude awakening when their damage plummets down to the bottom tiers. Three damage dealers is a good idea and it can work, sure, but the Tech Shaman enhances just the two damage dealers so much that they do more damage than three.

MORE: Outriders Complete Guide - Builds, Tips, Tricks, And Help

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