Monday, 05 April 2021 17:30

Monster Hunter Rise: Complete Lance Guide | Game Rant

Written by Matthew D'Onofrio
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The Lance is a strong and stalwart weapon in Monster Hunter Rise. Here's a complete look at how to best use it against your enemies.

Monster Hunter Rise features many of the same weapons that players have come to know and love throughout the series. While there isn't anything new or overly complicated in the latest installment, some weapons have received small tweaks and changes.

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One weapon that has managed to stay pretty consistent throughout the years has been The Lance. It's not the flashiest weapon of the bunch and you'll definitely feel some envy as you watch your friends twisting and dashing through the air. Still, the Lance is a powerhouse, and although its attack patterns are pretty vanilla, it can pack quite the punch while simultaneously keeping its wielder safe from damage.

The Lance is not a ranged weapon but it might as well be because the reach is massive. While the name suggests otherwise, this weapon even comes with a shield. When it comes to tanking, the Lance does it best. This weapon is slow and heavy but offers decent guarding, big damage output, and nice counterattacks.

• X - Mid Thrust

• A - High Thrust

• X + A - Wide Sweep

With the Lance in hand, the player can execute a Mid Thrust by hitting the X button. It is a horizontal swipe. Or, they could do a High Thrust by pressing the A button. This move is aimed higher. Together, the X button and the A button mashed leads to a Wide Sweep. (This may be charged, too, for more damage!)

• ZR - Guard

Besides stabbing and poking, the Lance is capable of guarding too. By holding down the ZR button, the player can Guard to raise the hunter's shield. Doing so prevents damage from incoming attacks delivered by monsters in front of the hunter.

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It does not stop there! If they tilt the L stick in a certain direction and hit the X button, the hunter will perform a Guard Dash. No damage is done but the move closes the gap. Or, the player can Dash Attack by smashing the X button and the A button while holding down the ZR button. This does damage, of course.

Moreover, the player can initiate a Counter Thrust with the A button during guarding. With successful timing, a counterattack happens. Additionally, a Power Guard can be done during charging if they mash the ZR button and the A button. It is a Guard that uses stamina while active but allows for stunning and more efficient counterattacks.

• ZR > L + X - Guard Dash

• ZR > X + A - Dash Attack

• ZR > A - Counter Thrust

• ZR + A - Power Guard

The Mid Thrust is best followed up with a High Thrust...two, in fact. This combo works best if the monster is clawing at or trying to bite the hunter and may be repeated over and over. Also, on the flip side, High Thrust can be combined with the Mid Thrust for a sweet combo, too. This is best done if the player executes three High Thrusts followed by one Mid Thrust. On the other hand, the High Thrust works well when a Counter Thrust is incorporated. So, High Thrust, then Counter Thrust. Rinse and repeat, especially if the counterattack lands!

Additionally, a Dive Thrust may be performed if the A button is pressed during a Guard Dash. And, a Final Thrust is executed if the X button is hit during a Dash Attack.

• X > A > A

• A > A > A > X

• A > ZR > A

Twin Vine is one of the Lance's Silkbind Attacks. By pressing the ZL button and the X button, the player will make the hunter swing towards the monster and wedge a kunai into it. Afterward, they can jump backward while guarding to ready another attack.

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Anchor Rage is another one of the Lance's Silkbind Attacks. It increases damage output after being attacked. The more damage the hunter takes, the more damage it dishes right back at the monster. This move is done through the ZL button and the A button smashed together.

• ZL + X - Twin Vine

• ZL + A - Anchor Rage

One of the Switch Skills the player unlocks is Spiral Thrust, and the other is Shield Charge. Spiral Thrust replaces Anchor Rage while Shield Charge replaces Dash Attack. Both are optional.

Spiral Thrust is better than Anchor Range because Anchor Rage is situational and slows down combat usually. Spiral Thrust makes the hunter dash forward into the monster, piercing through them, and then dash right back to where they started, piercing again. It blocks incoming attacks from the monster too. Shield Charge is better than Dash Attack too. It is the same but the hunter holds up the shield and therefore blocks damage (although the range is reduced).

While the Lance features a spear, the shield is just as important. It is genuinely one of the best defensive weapons in the game. Of course, every weapon is still a weapon, so the offensive is just fine too.

To maximize efficiency using the Lance, the player needs to fight aggressively. However, staying behind the monster and relying on poke damage is the move. That being said, the shield is reliable when dodging an attack is impossible. And there are countless counterattacking strategies with this weapon.

While the Lance is heavy, slowing down the hunter immensely, that is okay. They need to utilize the Wirebug when moving around. (Seriously, do not sheathe the weapon!)

NEXT: Monster Hunter Rise: 8 Hidden Locations Only Experts Found

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