Monday, 05 April 2021 20:01

Outrider: How to Beat Molten Acari (Spider Boss) | Game Rant

Written by Oliver VanDervoort
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When it comes to beating one of the biggest bads in the early part of Outriders, players will find they are under fire, quite literally.

Since Outriders has launched, it's mostly been one of the most popular games out there. Not long after People Can Fly's newest project launched, it even hit some eye-popping concurrent player numbers.

One of the things that has grabbed Outriders players is the varied combat in the game. When players aren't battling enemy soldiers and insurgents, there are quite a few creatures they'll have to take down. That includes the Molten Akari. This lava monster that takes the form of a giant spider is one of the biggest bosses in the relatively early part of the game and one that takes quite a bit of strategy to best.

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When players first take on the Molten Akari, they will notice the monster's health gauge is split in three. Unsurprisingly, this means the fight against the spider is split into three phases. The absolute best way to take down this boss is to grab a few friends who also play Outriders and team up. However, the Molten Akari isn't unbeatable even if it's taken on one-on-one. The first phase sees users going up against the giant spider itself.

When fighting against the giant spider, the battle can be pretty straightforward. Players can upload their weapons and unleash whatever powers they've acquired in Outriders in order to build back health. Users are going to be best served to use a machine gun, or even their rapid-fire pistols. Shotguns might take more damage off the creature, but need to be used close up. It's better to keep some distance between the Outrider and the spider.

Once the first chunk of the Molten Akari's health bar is taken care of, phase two involves mini-spiders. These spiders aren't all that hard to kill, but players are again going to want to keep their distance since they explode. Eventually, the main baddie will re-emerge from the lava and users will want to keep refilling their health using the Outriders powers while also focusing weapon fire on a spot of the big monster where dried lava shows.

Shooting off this lava will expose the weak spot abdomen. Players will need to balance the fire and powers between the big guy and his little henchmen, rolling and dodging while firing as often as possible.

Once the Akari's second health bar is taken down, the Outrider will face off against the monster's "true" form. This time around, it's a giant worm that shoots molten lava. That lava will be discharged in a pattern that players will need to run away from in the same pattern. Once that's figured out, this is the easiest of the three phases. Players should focus their fire on the pustules all over the worm's body. Once enough of those are hit, the Molten Akari is defeated and players can return to camp to get their reward.

Outriders now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Outriders Complete Guide - Builds, Tips, Tricks, And Help

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