Tuesday, 25 May 2021 22:42

Monster Hunter Rise: How to Farm Kamura Tickets | Game Rant

Written by Jonathan Sayers
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Kamura Tickets are an important item for crafting desirable gear in Monster Hunter Rise, and this guide explains how to get them from a stingy NPC.

Monster Hunter Rise continues the legacy of a series in which grinding for gear and weapons is the goal for any serious player. Crafting equipment usually comes down to harvesting materials from slain monsters or from the environment. However, some of the items needed for forging come from unusual sources. Sometimes a player will have to send their Buddies out on trade requests or hunting ventures to get rare materials. In the case of the coveted Kamura Tickets, it's even more troublesome.

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There are a number of weapons and armor sets that require a Kamura Ticket in Monster Hunter Rise. Among them are special outfits that many players will want to get their hands on as soon as possible. Type 1 characters can use Kamura Tickets to craft the Utsushi set, and Type 2 characters can obtain the Medium set. These are stylish outfits that also come with several useful armor skills, most notably the "Good Luck" skill that can increase quest rewards.

Updated May 26th, 2021 by Russ Boswell: Kamura Tickets in MH Rise are way more useful than players may initially believe. Sadly, the game doesn't give much information concerning how rare they are and players that needlessly spend the scarce tickets on low-level gear are sure to be frustrated later on. Thankfully, eagle-eyed players and dedicated hunters have discovered ways to better collect these immensely useful materials. Because of this, we've gone in and updated this guide to give gamers a better shot at quickly amassing a pile of Kamura Tickets.

Kamura Tickets can be a hassle to obtain. After reaching a certain point in the story, Elder Fugen will occasionally hand the tickets out to players upon completing Village quests. Specifically, players must complete Fugen's Requests "Kamura's Handyman" and "Overflowing with Furry Friends" to start obtaining Kamura Tickets. Since Kamura Tickets only come from Village quests, players who are focusing on High-Rank Hub quests will rarely ever see them. Fortunately, a little preparation can open the way for a lucrative farming opportunity.

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It should be noted that completing quests is the trigger for causing Fugen to offer Kamura Tickets. It can be a standard quest or a Rampage quest, but Expeditions don't count. Players with the clever idea of hopping into an Expedition and immediately returning to the village are out of luck. However, it is possible to undertake a certain quest that can repeatedly and reliably be completed in under a minute for efficient farming.

Elder Fugen will reward you with 5 guaranteed Kamura Tickets for his personal quests and errands. Unfortunately, past that, there aren't any guarantees. Instead, you'll simply have to farm tickets if you need more but it's not as clear-cut as grinding for monster materials or Zenny. The only way to receive Kamura Tickets past the introduction quests is to complete village quests and rampages.

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Unfortunately, there isn't a strict "number of quests" that must be completed nor is it known exactly what causes Elder Fugen to disperse a Kamura Ticket. Players will simply need to farm as many village quests as possible to have a shot at receiving tickets. Thankfully, there are some fairly simple low-level quests that have worked for players and one of them, in particular, can be completed in under a minute.

The Village 1-star quest "Roly-poly Lanterns" can be cleared in just over 30 seconds every time if the hunter comes prepared. The armor skill "Botanist" will cause an extra item to be gathered when harvesting plant-type resources. This is perfect for the aforementioned quest, though the second level of the Botanist skill will need to be reached for it to apply to the Firelanterns that are needed for the quest. Equipping the Leather armor set is all it takes to trigger this useful skill.

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The screenshot above shows the route that will lead to quick quest completion. After fast traveling to the sub-camp, a lucky player can finish the objective after gathering at the first two nodes. An unlucky run might entail gathering at four nodes, but it could still be done in under a minute with some skillful Wirebug traversal. Players who master this method can efficiently earn Kamura Tickets or Buddy Tickets, while also speeding up the process of Argosy or Meowcenary ventures.

Kamura Tickets are highly sought after because they're used to make a variety of gear and weapons. Unfortunately, because the game isn't clear on the scarcity of Kamura Tickets, many players find themselves spending them on lower-level gear. Here's a list of all the gear that can be made with Kamura Tickets in MH Rise:

  • Medium Armor Set
  • Channeler Armor Set
  • Utushi Armor Set (Hidden)
  • Utushi Armor Set (Visible)
  • Brush Glaive I
  • Brush Glaive II
  • Cat's Soul I
  • Catspaw II
  • Egg Hammer I
  • Felyne Bow II
  • Grass Flute I
  • Grim Cat II
  • Kelbi Stingshot I
  • Kelbi Stingshot II
  • Kelbi Strongshot
  • Ninja Parasol I
  • Origami Axe I
  • Origami Axe II
  • Petal Cloud
  • Pounder of Rice
  • Ricebane I
  • Ricebane II
  • Stealth Dango I
  • Teddybear I
  • Watercolor Glaive

Monster Hunter Rise is now available on Nintendo Switch and a PC port is coming in 2022.

NEXT: Monster Hunter Rise: Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks, and General Help

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