Tuesday, 26 January 2021 18:15

Division 2: Everything You Need To Know About The Sharpshooter Skill Tree

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The Sharpshooter Skill Tree in The Division 2 can be downright overwhelming. Here's all you need to know about it.

Agents in The Division 2 who have a knack for eliminating enemies from a distance will appreciate the Sharpshooter Specialization. In Ubisoft's The Division series, these eagle-eyed specialists can help Division Agents secure the win against nefarious factions without having to get up close and personal. Moreover, in The Division 2's post-apocalyptic capital of Washington DC, Sharpshooters can turn the tide with their handy sniper rifles.

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However, players interested in taking up the Sharpshooter might find the Specialization overwhelming. After all, this move means having to rely on taking out foes from secure vantage points - something tricky considering how chaotic firefights can get. However, the right approach to the Sharpshooter skill tree can help any player dominate with their trusty sniper.

Agents checking out the Sharpshooter might feel overwhelmed seeing the skill tree branch out across all directions. After all, where should they focus first? In turn, players need to understand how to "read" the skill tree first before proceeding with their eagle-eyed killer. Essentially, the Sharpshooter skill tree "branches out" to allow players to diversify builds depending on how they want to approach their stealth kills. As such, the Sharpshooter specializes in the following key points:

TAC-50 C Rifle: The Sharpshooter gains the TAC-50 C Rifle as their signature weapon. Essentially, this rifle enables players to identify a target's weak point to break armor or even outright get headshot kills.

Headshot Damage, Advantage In Precaution: The Sharpshooter specializes in eliminating enemies from a distance, and their Perks enable them to do just that. Sharpshooters gain increased accuracy and reload speed, get better defense in cover, and take down targets more efficiently and quickly.

Rifle Specialty: The Sharpshooter gains modifiers that further encourage a long-range rifle-based build. Sharpshooters can get a burst fire pistol (93R), better rifle damage, and a specialized digital scope.

Tactician: The Sharpshooter's drone transforms into the Tactician, a smart drone capable of scouting and marking hostile targets. This enables Sharpshooters to better plan approaches in combat.

Unlike other Specializations, the Sharpshooter's Signature Weapon of choice further incentivizes their skill in long-ranged combat. Thanks to the TAC-50 C Rifle, Sharpshooters can eliminate targets quickly and efficiently. Unlike other snipers, the TAC-50 C has rounds that not only kill enemies efficiently but also render most kinds of armor useless. In turn, manufacturers built the weapon to surpass most defenses.

Perhaps the best feature of the TAC-50 C lies in its M5Xi 15x Scope. With this scope, the TAC-50 C Rifle highlights the weak points of various targets. In the game, this feature translates into high-power damage capable of breaking most armors.

Moreover, this feature allows the TAC-50 C to headshot-kill unarmored personnel with just a single hit. Interestingly, the TAC-50 C retains its usefulness even after Title Update 8, which reduced all Signature Weapon damage against named NPCs. Here are the base statistics of the rifle:

Damage: 449.7k

Rate of Fire: 41

Magazine: 6+1

Range: +50 Meters

Fire Mode: Manually-operated rotary bolt action

Sharpshooters can attribute the lethal impact of the TAC-50 C to its .50 BMG Rounds. Unlike other sniper rounds, the .50 BMG Rounds are not just anti-personnel, but also anti-material in nature. As such, these rounds can penetrate through most kinds of body armor, and even detonate Weakpoints along the way. 

Moreover, the rounds come with a handy decompression shockwave that can hit nearby hostiles up to 400 damage. In turn, these rounds give a nasty kick, even if it deals reduced damage to Named opponents. 

Sharpshooters can further improve the TAC-50 C Rifle's damage courtesy of the Signature Weapon Damage Talent. With this Talent, players can obtain as much as (Tier 4) 40-percent increased Signature Weapon damage.

Sharpshooters also get a modified drone to aid them in their eagle-eyed conquests. However, whereas other Specializations have combat-oriented drones, the Sharpshooters get something a little stealthier. Essentially, Sharpshooters gain the Tactician that acts as a mobile radar. With the right skill combination, the Tactician can help Sharpshooters secure the most kills from very calculated positions.

As mentioned, Tactician helps Sharpshooters by scouting and marking various hostile targets. Moreover, Tactician feeds this information not just to the Sharpshooter's HUD. Rather, every member of the squad gains the Tactician's intel. Essentially, the Sharpshooter and their squad can plan approaches to combat based on the information they've gotten.

However, in high-intensity combat situations, Sharpshooters might not be able to capitalize on the Tactician's visual prowess. After all, high-stress combat might not give Tacticians ample time to analyze the information they receive.

The Graphene Battery Talent improves the overall performance of the Tactician. This Talent increases the Tactician's ability duration. 

The Carbon Fiber Frame Talent further adds safety mechanisms to the Tactician. This Talent decreases the cooldown time of the Tactician's ability.

Sharpshooters take pride in their ability to take enemies down in a single strike. However, not everyone realizes that the best snipers calculate everything that goes on outside the scope to ensure the kill. In The Division 2, Sharpshooters gain a combination of Perks specially-designed to capitalize on focus, patience, and caution. Essentially, the

Accuracy pays off, and the Sharpshooter further incentivizes this kind of performance from their teammates. With the Sharpshooter Tactical Link Talent, all squad members closer to enemies than the Sharpshooter gets a 10-percent headshot damage boost. This is vital for most encounters, especially for specializations that like to get their headshots in without having to take up the Sharpshooter Specialization.

Moreover, given how headshots generally deal more damage than body shots, this Talent adds a huge dose of positive reinforcement for team members to aim their shots more carefully.

In speaking of headshots, the One In The Head Talent gives Sharpshooters a massive damage boost whenever they aim for the head. At maximum upgrades, this Mod gives (Tier 5) 25-percent additional headshot damage. 

Essentially, if the Sharpshooter's squad can't eliminate targets with the Tactical Link, the Sharpshooter will probably get that killing blow with this Talent.

Sharpshooters prefer to stay in cover to line up their shots. However, at the moment they need to move to get a better vantage point, snipers often become vulnerable to damage. With the Vital Protection Talent, Sharpshooters get a 20-percent reduced critical hit chance in Conflict. This adds a huge survivability element to Sharpshooters, who often need a few moments to aim properly to get their headshots in. This Talent also helps with securing control points, which often house a ton of enemies that can easily overwhelm Sharpshooters.

Sharpshooters find their home in cover, where they can carefully aim down sights at unfortunate targets. To further incentivize this preference, the My Home Is My Castle Talent increases overall armor in cover. Essentially, Sharpshooters become much harder to kill and damage while cover protects them. Moreover, this gives players a bit of time to plan if they should launch a counterattack or find another cover.

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Reload is often a problem among most Agents in the game, especially when they can't reload during extremely crucial moments. For snipers, enemies catching them in the middle of a reload can mean instant death. However, with the Deft Hands Talent, Sharpshooters get (Tier 3) 30-percent additional reload speed. Essentially, Sharpshooters can get out of sticky situations faster with much quicker reload times than other Specializations.

A lot of players often underestimate the value of weapon handling when it comes to fighting enemies. In a shooter like The Division 2, a split-second of having to aim means giving enemies a split-second to aim at the players first. With the Breath Control Talent, Sharpshooters won't have to risk this disadvantage. Essentially, the Mod adds (Tier 3) 30-percent additional stability and reduced recoil when fighting enemies.

To top it all off, Breath Control also reacquires targets much faster for the Sharpshooter, enabling them to take down enemies much faster without having to rely on messy aim. For new Sharpshooters, Breath Control becomes the equivalent of a must-have beginner Perk, as this essentially secures some of the best weapon handling options in the game.

Aside from the TAC-50 C Rifle, the Sharpshooter needs to rely on fast-acting weapons to help them out in sticky situations. In turn, the Sharpshooter works best with the superior range of the marksman rifle, the high-powered nature of the rifle, and the quick-fire assault rifle. Interestingly, the Sharpshooter also gets a Flashbang Grenade and a sidearm, both of which help greatly in surprise encounters.

Interestingly, the number of accuracy-reliant Talents of the Sharpshooter means they function best with accuracy-depending weapons, as stated in the above. However, this also means the Sharpshooter can't fully-maximize the rather violent LMG and SMG, as well as the slow-acting shotgun.

As with other Specializations, Sharpshooters get their exclusive grenade in the form of the Flashbang Grenade. Essentially, the Flashbang acts just like its FPS counterpart - it blinds opponents. However, in The Division 2, the Flashbang Grenade gives the Blind status over a large AOE. 

Other players might see this as an unfair tradeoff for a damaging grenade. However, the Flashbang Grenade can give Sharpshooters and some of the most expert players just enough time to line their rifles and get that much-needed headshot to kill afflicted opponents.

The flexible nature of the rifle makes it a standout choice for those looking for a perfect in-between with the AR and the marksman rifle. In The Division 2, Sharpshooters capitalize on using their rifles with the This Is My Rifle TalentThanks to this Talent, Sharpshooters get (Tier 3) a 15-percent boost in rifle damage. 

In turn, Sharpshooters can easily fill in the gap when enemies start getting to medium-to-long-range, especially in high-intensity combat situations. Moreover, the accuracy-oriented nature of the Sharpshooter makes the rifle extra dangerous on their hands.

Sharpshooters capitalize on their superior range, but they maximize their long-range mastery with the right kind of weapon attachments. In this case, the Digital Scope Talent gives a 45-percent headshot damage increase with a tradeoff of 5-percent less critical hit damage. 

Other players might think that the reduction in critical hit damage might be a turn-off. However, the Digital Scope's drawback is immediately boosted by its headshot damage boost. Moreover, the Digital Scope transforms rifles into a monster when paired with the Sharpshooter's other headshot boosters.

When people hear the word "Sharpshooter," a marksman rifle becomes the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, with most snipers falling under marksman rifles, it makes sense for Sharpshooters to want to use these as part of their main arsenal. With the Depleted Rounds Talent, Sharpshooters can enjoy up to (Tier 3) a 15-percent increase in marksman rifle damage. 

In turn, Sharpshooters can easily experiment with long-range incursions and encounters with a trusty marksman rifle by their side. Provided they have the right backup, Sharpshooters can pick off distant enemies with ease.

Sharpshooters who want a more fast-paced companion for their incursions might depend on the handy assault rifle to do the job. Unlike the range-oriented marksman rifle and rifle, the AR boasts efficiency in mid-range with its high firing rate and middling damage numbers. Moreover, with the E.M.I. Talent, Sharpshooters can get as much as (Tier 3) 15-percent damage boost for assault rifles. 

As such, Sharpshooters who want to be able to support the vanguard may want to try the AR for emergency encounters. This also gives them a decent level up in firing rate, should they become cornered. Sharpshooters shouldn't be overly-dependent on just one type of weapon, as this mistake can easily cost them their life or even the match.

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Sharpshooters aren't just range specialists with their sniper rifle. In fact, the best marksmen can use any weapon and capitalize on their potential. Interestingly, Sharpshooters in The Division 2 also gain a trusty sidearm in the form of the Sharpshooter 93R. Its quick rate of fire and a 20-round magazine can help Sharpshooters defend themselves in sticky situations.

Essentially, Sharpshooters can rely on the Sharpshooter 93R for its 3-round burst capability. With this feature, the Sharpshooter 93R easily bests most pistols with its quick firing capacity.

Sharpshooters need to make sure that all their weapons can help them capitalize on their superior accuracy and firepower. With the Gunslinger Talent, Sharpshooters can enjoy the benefit of a 10-percent increase in damage for sidearms.

Players can enjoy this Talent with their preferred sidearm, or even with the Sharpshooter 93R. Its 3-round burst coupled with the Sharpshooter's increased headshot damage can definitely eliminate enemies in rapid succession.  

Unlike other Specializations, the Sharpshooter's other Perks rely on their capacity to produce as much ammunition as possible to help with their engagements. This is essential, given the Sharpshooter's reliance on the right number of shots to take down the most opponents.

Sharpshooters help boost their allies' performance courtesy of the Group Signature Ammo Supply Talent. With this Talent, Sharpshooters who kill with Signature Weapons can drop Signature Weapon ammunition for all squad members.

This is essential, especially when most difficult engagements can find a practical use for their Signature Weapons. As such, this Talent can definitely improve group synergy, especially when facing a difficult boss and their minions.

Sharpshooters who rely on their headshots can further capitalize on such a skill with the .50 Caliber Ammo Acquisition Talent. With this Mod, headshot kills now drop Signature Weapon ammo. However, this doesn't work with the TAC-50 C Rifle. Some newcomers might have trouble securing their Signature Weapon ammo, so such a Talent is extremely beneficial for practice.

Sharpshooters rely on cover to ensure they get protected against heavy fire. Unfortunately, Sharpshooters sometimes can't help but get their Armor drained when under attack. Thankfully, the X-Stat Armor Kit Supplementary Talent vastly improves survivability when using Armor Kits.

With this Talent, using Armor Kits now provide Sharpshooters with increased Burn, Poison, and Bleed resistance, as well as the reduction of status effects. However, Sharpshooters get a 50-percent reduction in repairs.

In speaking of cover, Sharpshooters can further capitalize on cover protection with the Round After Round Talent. With this Mod, Sharpshooters can start getting 5 Rifle and 5 Marksman ammunition every 10 seconds, provided they stay in cover for at least 20 seconds. 

This might not seem important for a lot of players. However, getting a steady supply of ammunition while on cover can help Sharpshooters ensure their survival in longer firefights.

Just because Sharpshooters operate within post-apocalyptic Washington DC doesn't mean they can get fashionable. With the Marksman Uniform Talent, Sharpshooters can get a unique outfit exclusively for them.

NEXT: The Division 2: Every Specialization Explained

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