Tuesday, 06 April 2021 18:34

Animal Crossing: Everything You Need to Know About Lucky (Birthday, Personality, & More)

Written by Brittni Finley
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Lucky is one of the most sinister and popular villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, with a dark and tragic background to match.

Lucky is the iconic villager that is often the poster child for Animal Crossing's Halloween events. He's appeared in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and every other game in the franchise, including the mobile spinoff Pocket Camp, to date.

This lazy dog villager is one of the most popular Animal Crossing villagers out there due to his unique design, which happens to be quite dark. In official Animal Crossing lore, he's noted to have a full-body cast but somehow still alive after a fishing accident, giving him the name "Lucky." Additionally, his quote is a bit dark"Don't bite the hand that feeds you"compared to the rest of the game's vibe, and his catchphrase is the sound a person makes when they're hurt, "ouch" mixed with a dog growling.

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There are lots of theories about Lucky, such as that he's secretly the undead version of another villager, supported by Lucky's single glowing eye. Whatever the case may be, lots of players hunt for this Animal Crossing: New Horizons villager and pay millions of bells to bring him onto their islands.

Going along with Lucky's Halloween theme, in past games, the interior of his home was more like a mummy's tomb, featuring Egyptian architecture. But in New Horizons, players will find a more gothic interior, resembling a graveyard. It's filled with a skeleton, three different colors of gravestones, a red leaf pile, and a skull music player that plays K.K. Dirge, just as in all past games.

Lucky is a lazy dog villager in the Animal Crossing franchise, and like all lazy villagers, he loves eating food and relaxing. He participates in hobbies that are either for relaxing or for food, such as fishing. Along with normal, peppy, smug, and sisterly villagers, Lucky gets along with most but will have trouble interacting with jock villagers and snooty villagers who don't understand the lazy lifestyle.

A villager with simple taste, Lucky's favorite colors are beige and white, and he prefers the simple clothing style. If players catch him eating, it's likely a lollipop and he'll be reading a comic if he's reading in his pastimes.

Additionally, Lucky is born just a few days after Halloween in Animal Crossing on November 4, making him a Scorpio. His default clothing used to be the No. 23 t-shirt, which has been the speculation of fan theories, believing it to relate to the 23 enigma symbolizing misfortune. Now he wears the Open-Collar Shirt in coral.

This number also correlates with the Walker is Dead theory relating to the Animal Crossing dog villagers Walker and Lucky. Walker's default shirt is the No. 67 shirt, and when subtracting the two numbers, equals 44. And 4 is a number representing death in Japanese culture.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is out now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Biggest Animal Crossing: New Horizons Holidays to Watch For in 2021

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