Wednesday, 07 April 2021 00:00

World Of Warcraft: 5 Best Ways To Farm Valor | Game Rant

Written by Erik Petrovich
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In World of Warcraft, Valor is used to upgrade items from Mythic dungeons. What are the best ways to farm this rare currency?

The Valor system introduced in World of Warcraft'Patch 9.0.5 changed a lot about how players acquire and upgrade gear for end-game progression. Before, players had to run Mythic dungeons at higher and higher levels to even have a chance at getting gear with a decent iLvL. Now, players can upgrade endgame gear without quite so much hassle using Valor. Valor is a currency awarded to players for completing Mythic dungeons and completing daily Callings for their Covenant.

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Players can use Valor at the gear upgrade vendor within their Covenant or at the dedicated Valor upgrade vendor in Oribos, located on the main level next to the PvP vendor. The new currency is capped at 5000 and increases by 750 each week, which is more than enough to get farming and start upgrading. Keep in mind, though, that the Valor cost for upgrades rises steeply when upgrading a piece of gear nearing its maximum upgrade level.

5 Don't Waste Valor On Gear That Isn't BIS

First things first, Valor is a relatively scarce resource. Players can't buy it at the auction house, they can only get it by completing certain in-game objectives. As a result, if someone doesn't want to waste time, they should make sure to look up their class and specialization's best-in-slot gear for max level. While running dungeons a player might get a piece of equipment that is best-in-slot for their class specialization, but it's upgrade level (and consequently ilvl) might be low.

It's best to equip gear that has better stats, no matter the situation, but players should keep the best-in-slot gear in their inventory for regular upgrades. Eventually, the gear will be at a high enough upgrade level to justify re-equipping. However, even if a newly acquired piece of loot is at a higher ilvl and upgrade level, if it's not considered the user's best-in-slot it will be a waste of Valor. Going from Upgrade Level 7 to 8 might seem like a huge boost, but the Valor is better spent on gear that will eventually replace it.

4 Quickly Complete Several Low-Level Mythic Keystones...

The fastest way to earn Valor bar none is to rush low-level Mythic Keystone dungeons back to back. Each run will net 135 Valor, which will continue to be rewarded every time a Mythic Keystone dungeon is run. It's a whole lot nicer to be able to do it as often as one wants rather than wait a day (or a week) like other end-game content in World of Warcraft. Plus, the higher iLvL you get, the easier those low-level Mythic Keystone dungeons will be.

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It's a great system because it allows players who are dedicated to Mythic Keystone progression to continue to improve their gear and push even further. It doesn't punish players for playing too much, like daily and weekly quests, instead it rewards the most dedicated players with a chance to better their stats. Plus, even low-level Mythic Keystones drop best-in-slot gear, but at a lower upgrade level.

3 ...Or Progress & Upgrade A Mythic Keystone

If bouncing between parties and running dungeons back to back for someone else doesn't sound like a fun time, players should try pushing for their own progression instead. The Valor system is nice because it provides a flat 135 Valor for each completed Mythic Keystone dungeon, whether it's a +1 or a +15. It doesn't matter if you run out of time, either – all that matters is completion.

Progressing one's own Mythic Keystone is a much slower way to gain Valor, but it's a good way to kill two birds with one stone. It's hard to get into high-level Mythic Keystone dungeons at a low iLvL. Progressing one's own Keystone, though, means the player can create the group and be in charge of who joins and who doesn't. Loot with upgraded stats is only available at higher levels, so this can be an effective way to both cut-down Valor upgrade costs and get some great gear at the same time.

2 Complete Rare Covenant Callings Daily

Aside from running Mythic Keystone Dungeons, Covenant Callings are a new feature in Shadowlands that gives players a Covenant-specific task each day. Up to three callings can be stored at one time, meaning the player can step away from World of Warcraft without missing a Calling for three days. Each Calling is given a rarity – either Rare or Epic – which corresponds with its rewards.

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Rare Covenant Callings are highlighted in blue and give 35 Valor when completed. It's not much, but it's enough to get players a fair bit towards the first upgrade for a low-level piece of gear. Callings don't have to be completed daily, and for some, it's best to let them pile up. They can usually all be completed pretty quickly and will feel like less of a daunting task for little reward.

1 Complete Epic Covenant Callings Every Few Days

Epic Covenant Callings are highlighted in purple and grant 50 Valor when completed. These callings are usually a little grander in scope and might take a little more time to finish. Usually, these involve killing a World Boss, completing a Dungeon, or another time-consuming endeavor.

The 50 Valor is only a little bit more than the Rare quality Covenant Callings, unfortunately. When it comes to farming Valor, though, every little bit gathered can save time in the long run. Think about it like this: every three Covenant Callings completed grants about the same valor as one Mythic Keystone dungeon, and they give much more than just Valor as a reward.

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