For many players new to Genshin Impact, understanding the game's talent system can be overwhelming. In short, a character's talent level dictates how effective a character's standard attacks, elemental skills, and elemental burst are, and can be leveled via material that is farmed from various domains across the map. This guide will outline when and where Genshin Impact players can obtain the Prosperity set of talent ascension materials.
The primary method for obtaining the Guide to Prosperity is from the Taisha Mansion mastery domain in the center of Jueyun Karst. Like other talent ascension materials, obtaining the prosperity set of materials is limited to specific days. Players can obtain the material from the Taisha Mansion on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. Additionally, the Prosperity set is only used to level the talents of Keqing, Ningguang, Qiqi, Geo Traveler, and Xiao.
RELATED: Genshin Impact: How to Get Guide to Diligence
Like all other sets of talent ascension materials, the Prosperity set is divided into three tiers. Teachings of Prosperity are the lowest rank of the set, with Guide to Prosperity serving as the mid-tier and Philosophies of Prosperity serving as the highest tier.

There are a total of 4 difficulty levels that can be selected when attempting the Taisha Mansion mastery domain. Levels are unlocked based on the player's adventure rank and depending on the level selected, both the enemy difficulty and rewards obtained will scale accordingly.
On levels 1-3 of the domain it is recommended that players have either a cryo or hydro character in their party as they will be predominantly facing large pyro slimes and one pyro abyss mage per run. On level 4 of the domain, players will be facing blazing axe mitachurls and fatui pyro agents. As a result, having a cryo or hydro spec character in your party is not as important on level four of the domain as it is for levels 1-3.

Players must use 20 original resin upon completion of the domain in order to obtain rewards. Alternatively, players can also use condensed resin to cut down on their material farming time from the domain, to gain double reward drops from each run.
Level 1 of the domain will earn players Teachings of Prosperity. Level 2 of the domain will also drop Teachings of Prosperity with the chance of Guide to Prosperity drops. Level 3 of the domain guarantees players both Teachings and Guide to Prosperity drops. And finally, Level 4 guarantees players both Teachings and Guides to Prosperity in addition to the chance of Philosophies of Prosperity drops.

Due to the nature of the game, it is recommended that Genshin Impact players save their talent material farming for the late game. Because the resin cost of a level 1 run and a level 4 run are identical, players are better off waiting until they have the higher domain difficulties unlocked as they will receive far more materials from each run, resulting in a significantly reduced net resin cost.
This is not to say that players should completely avoid leveling their talents in the early game, but rather that maximizing DPS output through talent ascension should not be players' first priority when starting out in the game.
Genshin Impact is available for Mobile, PC, and PS4, with PS5 and Switch versions in development.
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