Wednesday, 07 April 2021 13:50

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Playstation Exclusivity is Coming to an End

Written by Michael Beckwith
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It's nearly been a year since Final Fantasy 7 Remake launched and Square Enix could very well port it to other platforms once its deal with Sony ends.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is undeniably one of the PlayStation 4's biggest exclusives. Despite being only the first part of Square Enix's big remake project, it was almost universally lauded by fans and critics, receiving near perfect scores across the board and praised for managing to meet the lofty expectations many held for it. So, it's no wonder Xbox and PC fans are eager to see it brought over to their respective platforms too.

At the time of writing, there is still no official confirmation that Square Enix will release Final Fantasy 7 Remake on any other platforms (barring the PlayStation 5 re-release coming in June). But, at the very least, the possibility does exist, according to independent analyst Benji-Sales on Twitter. With the game's one-year anniversary coming up on April 10th, Benji-Sales claims that the date also marks the end of Square Enix's exclusivity deal with Sony, meaning it could begin talks to bring it to Xbox and/or PC.

RELATED: Nearly a Year Later, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Needs a Better Difficulty Setting

Benji-Sales adds that this doesn't necessarily mean Square Enix will do that nor does it mean that the publisher will make any sort of announcement anytime soon. It just means the game doesn't have to remain exclusive to the PlayStation platforms. He also responds to claims that the deal has been extended due to the PS5 release and the game's addition to PlayStation Plus last month, saying that there is no evidence to support this.

There have been suspicions that Final Fantasy 7 Remake would make the jump to other platforms for as long as the game itself has been out. Last year, a short video released to celebrate its then upcoming launch featured a caption which revealed that the gameplay footage shown had been captured on a PC. Considering numerous other Final Fantasy titles have released on PC, not to mention the recent addition of the entire Kingdom Hearts series, it would be more surprising if the remake didn't come to PC as well.

For the time being, though, Square Enix may be more focused on pushing the PS5 version. Titled Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade, it not only boasts numerous visual and technical upgrades and some extra features (like a photo mode), but there will be a DLC episode that introduces ninja girl Yuffie to the game. As a reminder, Intergrade will be a free upgrade for those who bought the PS4 version, but it won't be available for anyone who downloaded the game for free through PlayStation Plus. What's more, the Yuffie episode is paid DLC.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available for PlayStation 4 and will release for PlayStation 5 on June 10th.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 Has Already Been Heavily Changed

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