Tuesday, 26 January 2021 17:30

Skyrim: 10 Deadliest Creatures Added In Dawnguard | Game Rant

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Dawnguard was not only created to add new fun content for the fans but also to challenge the player with new, much stronger enemies.

Among the many expansions added in Skyrim, "Dawnguard" will always have a special place in fans' hearts as it was the first DLC for this Elder Scrolls installment. This exciting add-on introduced many different creatures; some friends and some foes.

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Dawnguard was not only created to add new fun content for the fans but also to challenge the player with new, much stronger enemies. With this expansion came the introduction of a few new dragons; however, they don't differ much from their fellow dragons already in the main base game of Skyrim. These new dragons aside, here are some brand new creatures found within the addition of the Dawnguard expansion that will give even the biggest Skyrim fans an interesting battle.

10 The Forgemaster

As if the Dwarven Centurions weren't difficult enough to defeat, The Forgemaster is a particularly powerful one. This unique Centurion is found during the "Lost to the Ages" quest given by the ghost of Katria. In the journey to find and use the ancient Aetherium Forge, the Dragonborn then is forced to face off against a mighty Dwarven Centurion: The Forgemaster.

This particular foe is much more resilient than the rest of its Dwemer colleagues as it is resistant to fire damage and will even cause the player to take fire damage if attacking from too close.

9 Chaurus Hunter

Although a common enemy, the Chaurus Hunter is one of the more difficult enemies to deal with in Dawnguard. This creature is the final form of the Chaurus, the insects that were domesticated by the equally as terrifying Falmer. Not only does this giant insect have its huge stinger to deal damage, but it also has the ability to spit poison at its enemies; allowing its range to be even bigger than it first seems.

8 The Reaper (Secret Boss)

Only found within the Soul Cairn, The Reaper is quite the hidden threat to most players. The Reaper can only be summoned by collecting all the Reaper gem fragments within the Cairn. His battle isn't accompanied by any real quest that shows up in the menu.

After tracking down the giant floating gems in the Soul Cairn, collecting all three Reaper gems, and locating the Reaper's lair, the Dragonborn can finally face off with the elusive Reaper himself. Wielding a giant battleaxe, this secret boss is heavily implied to be a dangerous Daedric creature as Daedra hearts are usually found with each gem fragment.

The incredibly large Reaper is accompanied by his Bonemen goons to create more pressure. Not only does he call for additional help, but his vomit-like attack deals massive amounts of damage as well.

7 Death Hounds

The dogs found in Skyrim aren't all fluffy and cuddly. Death Hounds were introduced as the companion to the vampires in "Dawnguard". These dangerous, undead hell hounds are a vicious vampire's best friend.

However, if the Dovahkiin decides to take the plunge and join the undead to become a vampire themself, then these dogs are up for grabs as a pet for them as well. Death Hounds are a formidable ally in battle if they are on the player's side, as they have the ability to cast frost damage to their enemies and also drain their stamina as well.

When not attacking the Dovahkiin as a terrible threat, these hell hounds are as cute as any other Skyrim residing canines after all.

6 Ancient Frost Atronach

The regular variation of the Frost Atronach was already a worthy opponent. During the "Touching The Sky" quest given by vampire buddy, Serana, the Dragonborn runs into the powerful Arch-Curate Vyrthur, brother of Knight-Paladin Gelebor, one of the last Snow Elves. Given the quest to kill Vyrthur, he summons a unique Atronach, the Ancient Frost Atronach. This powerful enemy only has this single appearance and can deal massive physical damage on top of casting frost cloak.

5 Falmer Warmonger

The Falmer Warmonger is the strongest variation of the Falmer. They're covered head to toe in hardened armor and are incredibly proficient in both magic and melee combat. Although there are slight variations in the Warmongers if they are female or male, both are deadly enemies.

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While wielding honed weapons and great armor, they are also known to use healing spells as well. The next encounter with one of these creatures, make sure not to take too much time so they don't get the opportunity to heal up.

4 Armored Troll

Luckily for the Dovahkiin, the new creatures added in Dawnguard aren't all inherent foes. Within Fort Dawnguard, mighty armored trolls are available for sale. They'll act just as any non-human companion would such as follow the player, help attack any hostile characters, and wait when needed to. Although it's quite the mystery how Gunmar was able to train these trolls to be so obedient, they're still a valuable asset nonetheless.

3 Spriggan Earth Mother

The Spriggan Earth Mother is a powerful new variant of the original Spriggans found in the base game of Skyrim. Unlike the other Spriggans, the Earth Mother is purple in color. They can be found in several locations on the map and are incredibly territorial. They may not look very different from their previous variations, but don't be fooled - the Spriggan Earth Mother's stats are much more powerful.

2 Keeper

The Keepers are an elusive boss found only in the Soul Cairn. Three in total, the Keepers are the guardians of the magical barriers that imprison Lord Harkon's wife, Valerica. Each Keeper is equipped with a full set of sturdy Dragonplate armor (save the helmet).

In case the Dovahkiin was keen on trying to learn the Keeper's attacks, each Keeper wields a different weapon. One has a battleaxe, one a bow, and the last, a mace. With a resistance to poison, resistance to frost, and their fancy Dragonplate armor with Dragonbone weapons to match, the Keepers are a fearsome force within the dark domain of the Soul Cairn.

1 Gargoyles

Gargoyles were a new terrifying enemy in added in Dawnguard, but just to make things more stressful, the Gargoyle also has two different variants: the Gargoyle Brute and the Gargoyle Sentinel. The Sentinel happens to be the strongest of all gargoyles.

These sneaky enemies will first appear as stone, like Gargoyles are known to do. However, approaching the "statue" will cause the Gargoyle to "activate" and become hostile. This fearsome opponent not only takes a sneaky route for the first unsuspecting strike on its foes, but its attacks also drain health on top of the initial damage.

NEXT: The Best 15 Games To Play If You Like Skyrim

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