
News (181906)

Skull and Bones should include one iconic Battlefield feature in an effort to make the game's naval combat more brutal and authentic.
A slew of updates come alongside Dan's Season 5 addition to Street Fighter 5, bringing several highly requested changes to the game's balance.
Tuesday, 23 February 2021 01:12

Fan Creates Gorgeous Son Goku PS5 Skin | Game Rant

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Goku is timeless, and at the moment it feels like the PS5 will be also, so it seems fitting to see the two together in this manner.
Tuesday, 23 February 2021 01:06

GameStop CFO Jim Bell Has Resigned | Game Rant

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Jim Bell, GameStop's top financial officer and executive VP, leaves the company for undisclosed reasons according to a recent press release.
Palpatine needed Dooku more than Dooku needed Palpatine. If Dooku ever realized that, things would have gone very differently.
Diablo 2 Resurrected will hold multiple apparent references to Mark Wahlberg, referencing both likeness and a past role by the actor.
After a decade of its cult following asking for a port, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron confirms it will be coming to PC sometime soon.
Tuesday, 23 February 2021 00:07

GTA Online: How to Trade Cars | Game Rant

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Grand Theft Auto Online demands that players make money to enjoy the peak rewards, so check out this guide for selling cars as one way to save up.