Saturday, 29 May 2021 04:18

Pokemon GO: How to Get Unown | Game Rant

Written by Sam Woodrick
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Unown can be some of the hardest non-legendary and non-region locked Pokemon for players to find in Pokemon GO- here's how to find and catch one.

There are currently hundreds of different Pokemon for players to freely find and evolve in Pokemon GO. While more are being rolled out via different events, there are some that have been in the game for quite some time that are still difficult to find. One of these Pokemon is Unown.

Unown is a pure Psychic-type Pokemon that has been in Pokemon GO for years. While not too impressive in battles, it is well known for its many forms, each representing a letter of the alphabet alongside a few other symbols. Because of this, obtaining the different forms of Unown is common for collectors in many different Pokemon titles.

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It is rare to find any form of Unown in the wild with them often only appearing for special events. Luckily for players, there is an event currently running in Pokemon GO that offers different forms of Unown depending on player location. This event is the Verizon Special Weekend running from May 29 to May 30.

In order to participate in the Verizon Special Weekend event, players must first be located within the United States of America and have redeemed their ticket code via Verizon before May 28. The only way to get these current special Unown spawns is through this ticket and is inaccessible to other players. Players in Mexico are able to get their ticket code through 7-Eleven Mexico while Japanese players can get their ticket code through Yoshinoya.

If players have a ticket for the event, they can trigger Unown to spawn via using Incense while the event hours are active. They are not a guaranteed spawn, as the other special Incense spawns for the event are Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Eevee, Marill, Sableye, Stunky, Spritzee, and Swirlix. Luckily, players can obtain more Incense from the event's timed research tasks.

Depending on where players are located, they will encounter different forms of Unown via the Incense. Players from the United States of America will find Unown V. Pokemon GO players located in Mexico, meanwhile, will find Unown S, while Japanese players will find Unown Y. There is no stat differences or moveset differences between these forms of Unown, making each form purely cosmetic in nature. None of these Unown have the chance to appear in their shiny forms.

While a lot of players are locked out of this event due to its ticketed nature, players can expect to see Unown in other future events. Those who can participate in this event, however, are encouraged to catch as many as possible in order to trade over to friends.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO Complete Guide for General Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

Source: Leek Duck

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