Sunday, 21 February 2021 21:58

Pokemon GO: Can You Get Shiny Camerupt? | Game Rant

Written by Sam Woodrick
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Camerupt is the evolved from of Numel with the former having a very appealing shiny form, but is it possible to get in Pokemon GO at this time?

There are many different shiny Pokemon that players can find and catch in Pokemon GO. While some are more popular than others, the most well-liked are known for having unique color pallets that are sometimes even more pleasing to the eye than their originals.

One aesthetically pleasing shiny Pokemon is Camerupt, the evolved form of Numel. With both Pokemon being from the Hoenn region, the two have been in Pokemon GO for quite some time now. These dual Fire and Ground-type Pokemon aren't known for making the top of scoreboards in PVP battles, but they do have their own fans, especially with Camerupt's shiny form.

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Camerupt is normally a burnt orange color to complement its primary Fire-typing. Its shiny form, however, turns this around, making Camerupt's body a dark navy blue, helping bring out the lighter parts of its body. Being a fully evolved Pokemon, players who would want a shiny Camerupt would need to hunt for a shiny Numel first.

Before players go on the hunt for a shiny Numel, they should know that they are currently out of luck. As of February 2021, neither Numel nor Camerupt have available shiny forms in Pokemon GO. It is also unknown when their shiny forms will be implemented into the game as there is currently no news regarding either Pokemon being involved in future events.

While it currently isn't possible for players to hunt for a shiny Camerupt, they still can raise one up from a Numel. In order to evolve Numel, players will need at least 50 Numel candies and use them on their Pokemon. Camerupt has only two weaknesses, with it being weak to only Water and Ground-type moves. It also resists Fire, Bug, Steel, Poison, Fairy, and Electric-type moves, making Camerupt have an impressive amount of defenses against certain types.

After players get a Camerupt, they will have access to multiple options of different types when it comes to Camerupt's moveset. If players want to use Camerupt in a gym, in a raid battle, or in lower levels of PVP, there is a specific moveset that will provide the most amount of DPS possible. This will have Camerupt know Ember for its fast move and Overheat for its charge move.

Considering that all of the Kanto region's Pokemon now have their shiny forms implemented, the Johto region may not be too far behind as well. After the Johto region then, fans of Camerupt's shiny form might be able to get this Pokemon sooner rather than later.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.

MORE: Pokemon GO March 2021 Fletchling Community Day Guide

Source: Leek Duck

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