The last week has been a significant one for not only the Pokemon franchise, but the Pokemon fanbase. With the announcement of Pokemon Legends: Arceus during the recent presentation, many fans will finally have their dream open-world Pokemon game realized. While most are still abuzz with the "Breath of the Wild"-esque adventure for Pokemon, developer Game Freak is not done yet with the current crop of Pokemon games.
As part of the ongoing celebrations for the 25th Anniversary of the Pokemon franchise, events are being held in all the currently available Pokemon games. From the mobile games of Pokemon Go, Pokemon Masters EX, and Pokemon Cafe Mix, to even the most recent mainline entries of Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. While Sword and Shield's Gigantamax Pikachu event has come to a close, Pokemon hunters can prepare for the next set of raids.
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Confirmed by Serebii.net, a dedicated Pokemon news source, March will see a mix of Pokemon typing themed raids that are sure to cause a bruise on Fighting type Pokemon. The featured raid Pokemon for Sword and Shield in March will be heavily focused on Flying and Fairy types. The available raid Pokemon provide quite the array of cross-generation favorites with even some Gigantamax forms making an appearance. The list of Pokemon include the evolutionary families of Ralts, Hatenna, and Rookidee meaning both second and final evolutions will be available for capture. Of those, Hatterene and Corviknight will have Gigantamax forms available. Outside of the those, players can also expect to find Rufflet, Braviary, Cramorant, Koffing, and Galarian Weezing available in raids.
As is usual with Pokemon Sword and Shield events, players must activate it themselves to make sure the raids become available. By selecting "Get Wild Area News" via the Mystery Gift options in the menu, the Fairy and Flying Pokemon will be ready for battling. While not the most glamorous of Pokemon Sword and Shield events, it does demonstrate Game Freaks commitment to current Pokemon games. With the next big series release being Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl later this year, due to its faithful recreation efforts its likely Sword and Shield will get new events for the foreseeable future.
While Pokemon Sword and Shield players will have the next month to capture a strong mix of anti-fighting Pokemon, it's not the only Pokemon game to feature new raids. The still immensely popular Pokemon Go will see new raids starting today as the mobile game moves into a new season. With Pokemon Go introducing new forms for the legendary Forces of Nature trio from Pokemon Black and White, most players may be focused on chasing down those five star battles.
With Pokemon Sword and Shield remaining as the primary Pokemon games for the rest of the year, there are likely more raids to come each month. With the matchup of raid types for March being a bit heavy against the fighters, maybe April will have some Steel or Rock type raids to even it out.
Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are available now on Nintendo Switch.
MORE: Pokemon Sword and Shield Probably Isn't Getting Another DLC
Source: NintendoSoup