Monday, 01 March 2021 23:31

Pokemon Sword and Shield Kicking Off New Limited-Time Distribution Event

Written by Naquan Holland
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Pokemon Sword and Shield's item distribution following the Gigantamax Pikachu event is now live, allowing trainers to claim a few rewards.

The month of March continues celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Pokemon franchise, and with it marks another round of events across the franchise's various titles. As a special raid battle event in Pokemon Sword and Shield concludes, Trainers wishing to enjoy the fruits of their labor following the Pikachu event can cash in on rewards that await them.

Last weekend, trainers had the chance to battle and capture a Gigantamax Pikachu in specific special raid battles. Historically, the Gigantamax Pikachu was only available for trainers who had played Let's Go Pikachu. In the past, there were special raid events dedicated to the fat Pikachu, however, the incentive for this event was for trainers to complete a cumulative total of one million raid battles.

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It seems that trainers were a couple of hundred thousand battles away from that lofty goal, totaling 874,808 Pikachu defeated. While trainers failed to reach the million Pikachu milestone, Game Freak is giving away different prizes in the form of 87 Dynite Ore and 87 Armorite Ore. Exclusive to the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra DLC, Armorite Ore is used to train a Pokemon with exclusive move as well as reset EVs. The Dynite Ore is used to ensure a rare legendary encounter within the Crown Tundra's Max Lair.

Trainers will have until March 14 to obtain these items through the game's Mystery Gift feature. Selecting "Receive via Internet" within the Mystery Gift menu will allow trainers to accept the rewards. There is another Pokmon Sword and Shield event relating to Pikachu that is ongoing, as trainers still have the opportunity to obtain an exclusive singing Pikachu. This Pikachu is unique in that it is the only Pikachu that can learn a move it otherwise cannot learn through normal gameplay. Trainers wishing to obtain the Pikachu can access Mystery Gift and input the code P25MUS1C when prompted.

Outside of Pokemon Sword and Shield are special events in other Pokemon titles. The community day event starring FletchlingPokemon Go's first Kalos Pokemon featured, begins later this weekend. Trainers have the chance to catch a shiny Fletchling with an exclusive move should it evolve into Talonflame. A Pokemon Masters EX event involving Champion Leon and his Charizard is also available, allowing trainers to obtain the popular trainer until March 17.

Pokemon Sword and Shield are now available on the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Pokemon Sword and Shield, GO, and More Hosting Special Events for Pokemon Day

Source: Serebii

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