Sunday, 17 January 2021 23:00

10 Pokemon That Can Learn Fire Blast That Aren't Fire-Types

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Fire Blast is a powerful move but it doesn't necessarily take a Fire-type Pokemon to use it. Here are some different Pokemon that can learn the skill.

Of all the 18 types in the main series Pokemon games, Fire-types are the ones geared the most towards aggressive playstyles, often taking advantage of their high Attack or Special Attack stats. Accordingly, Fire-type moves follow a similar trend. Some of the most powerful attacks in the game originate from this type, one of which is the renowned Fire Blast.

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Its very name evokes sentiments of what it is capable of in the right hands. It is also descriptive of what this move looks like when represented in gameplay: a violent, wide plume of fire that scorches all in its path. There are a surprising number of instances where this mighty move can even be learned by non-Fire-types. This can result in a devastatingly effect coverage move for pokemon weak to types that Fire is strong against.

10 Nidoking

This final stage of evolution for male Nidorans at first glance seems like a brute only capable of physical attacks, however, with a Special Attack stat of 85 it can unleash some unexpectedly lethal special attacks. Furthermore, it can learn a wide range of special attacks via Technical Machines (TMs).

In fact, Nidoking can learn moves from 15 out of the 18 existing types in this manner, only leaving out Grass, Flying, and Fairy-types. Fire Blast as a powerful utility move on such a physical-looking pokemon can take an opponent by surprise. Maybe even leading to a knockout of one of their pokemon, if used at the right time.

9 Exploud

Due to Exploud, the final evolution of Whismur, notably also having a diverse movepool, it is used sometimes in a very direct strategy. Some trainers use their Explouds like elemental cannons, loading them up with Electric, Ice, and even Grass-type attacks.

However, Fire Blast is among the strongest that it can learn by TM. If one takes this route, be sure to equip this mighty Fire-type attack. Exploud's decent Special Attack stat of 91 makes it easy for them to melt and scorch foes.

8 Clefable

As a Normal-type that was converted to the newest type, Fairy, Clefable gained some great advantages. However, it also kept some old weaknesses, with one of them getting worse. The defensive powerhouses that are Steel-types were always resilient to regular Normal-type offenses. Though, they straight-up dominate Fairy-types in terms of elemental advantage, doing super-effective damage to them.

However, Clefable is one of the Fairy-types that can learn Fire Blast by TM, giving them an excellent counter to the oppression of any Steel-type that is switched into battle to face them. Their moderate Special Attack of 85 allows them to take advantage of this brilliant blaze as much as Nidoking can.

7 Slowbro

Despite a benign atmosphere and dull expression, Slowbro, Slowpoke's evolution, can be quite a force to be reckoned with. Having high HP, a great Defense stat of 110, and a near equally impressive Special Attack stat of 100, this calm, pink pokemon can take a lot of hits as well as dish them out.

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As a part Water-type, one of their only weaknesses are Grass-type pokemon. Learning Fire Blast, once again by TM, lets Slowbro counter any type-based nemesis. However, its abysmal Speed stat means that it will usually have to take a hit before being able to unleash one of its own.

6 Octillery

This cephalopod-like Water pokemon also has excellent coverage TMs, being able to learn from 13 of the 18 types. Being weak to Grass, much like Slowbro, Fire Blast gives them an efficient way to deal with Grass pokemon as well as a few other types.

With a sufficient Special Attack stat of 105, Octillery can become a Water-type elemental cannon, not unlike Exploud. Loading up this artillery octopus with moves like Fire Blast, Energy Ball, and Flash Cannon, in addition to any Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) Water move can result in a build that can counter most teams by itself, especially if buffed in any way.

5 Weezing

As a living cloud of pollution, Weezing doesn't seem that odd when belching flames. Poison-types are another type that are very much countered by Steel-types, though even more so than Fairy-types like Clefable. Poison-type attacks do literally nothing against most Steel-types due to their type immunity.

This would normally stop a Poison pokemon like Weezing in its tracks, however, since this poison gas pokemon can learn Fire Blast by Technical Machine, allowing them to melt their metallic foes. A moderate Special Attack stat of 85 grants them more than enough firepower to see most Steel pokemon defeated.

4 Gyarados

This atrocious Water and Flying-type pokemon is known for unleashing powerful attacks like Hyper Beam or severe STAB attacks like Aqua Tail, though it can learn a few other unexpected moves due to being in the Dragon egg group. Those from this origin usually have some mystical traits synonymous with Dragon-types which lets them learn elemental attacks more easily.

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Like Gyarados wasn't terrifying enough, it can learn Fire Blast via TM, which gives it a surprise attack in case trainers ever find themselves lacking a Fire-type, such as when doing a Mono-type run. However, despite being very cool aesthetically, this is a pokemon with a statistical spread very geared towards physical attacks, making Fire Blast deal lackluster damage on pokemon that aren't weak to Fire.

3 Dragonite

Dragons breathing fire are about as appropriate as Fire-types being about to utilize flames in combat. There are countless tales of mythological, reptilian monsters with wings razing medieval towns to the ground.  Therefore seeing a Dragonite unleash a devastating Fire Blast will not be all that surprising, albeit very alarming if on the receiving end.

Both Dragon and Flying-types are very susceptible to Ice-type attacks, making Dragonite significantly in danger whenever a foe sends out an Ice pokemon. This final evolution of the Dratini line can use Fire Blast and their moderate speed to take care of quite a few chilly foes.

2 Solrock

Despite looking like an incarnation of fire, Solrock is actually a dual-type Psychic and Rock pokemon that was said to have come from outer space. Ironically, similarly to Solgaleo, the mascot of Pokemon Sun, they cannot learn any Fire-type attacks naturally.

They can, however, learn some by TMs. Fire Blast is obviously the most desirable out of all of these because of its high base power of 110. Even though this is a very appropriate move for Solrock, it sadly doesn't offer much for this meteorite pokemon since they have a very low Special Attack.

1 Groudon

The legendary pokemon Groudon is a pure Ground-type in their original form and they are one of the few pokemon who isn't a natural Fire-type that can learn Fire attacks. Since their introduction in Generation III's Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire, they have been depicted contrasting Kyogre's water with lava as opposed to more traditional visuals for Ground-types.

This close association with the molten mantle of the planet makes it only natural that they can learn Fire Blast by leveling up. In Generation VIII, they can acquire Fire Blast by reaching level 72. It should also be noted that if given a Red Orb, they can achieve a Primal Reversion to become the significantly more powerful Primal Groudon, which gains Fire as a secondary type, allowing it to get a STAB for Fire Blast. Although, at level 90, they learn an even deadlier and lore-appropriate Fire-type move: Eruption.

NEXT: 10 Underrated Fire Pokemon (That Are Actually Very Strong)

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