GameStop and the Pokemon TCG are getting together to offer fans an exclusive Pokemon card as part of a promotion for the new Battle Styles expansion from Pokemon: Sword & Shield. The Pokemon Company revealed the Battle Styles cards late last year, introducing two new types of cards, Single Strike Style and Rapid Strike Style. The Battle Styles expansion is slated to release on March 19, but trainers who purchase some Pokemon TCG merchandise at GameStop will also be able to get an exclusive card.
GameStop's promotion with the Pokemon TCG comes as the company's stock continues to fluctuate. Though the company was likely headed for bankruptcy, a stock buying trend incited by a subreddit caused GameStop's stock to soar early this year. The company's stock plummeted back down after causing a huge scene in the stock market, but as of last week GameStop's stock was skyrocketing again. How this stock fluctuation will affect the company's future isn't fully known yet, but Pokemon fans may want to take advantage of GameStop's promotion for some exclusive memorabilia.
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To coincide with the March 19 release of the Battle Styles Expansion, GameStop will be offering an exclusive card to those who purchase at least $15 worth of Pokemon TCG merchandise from the store. The featured card is the Grass/Dragon type Flapple, a Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Sword and Shield. What makes this Flapple card exclusive is the GameStop logo stamp that will be printed in the bottom right hand corner of the creature's picture. This is the first GameStop stamped Pokemon card ever, making it a unique non-holo Pokemon card.

There is also the possibility that GameStop will be giving out codes for Gigantamax Flapple, as it has given out Gigantamax codes for other promotional Pokemon in the past. Trainers will be able to scan the provided digital code through the Pokemon Pass app and will receive a Dynamax Crystal for Flapple. Once trainers have the Dynamax Crystal, they can encounter a Gigantamax Flapple in the Watchtower Lair, a specific den for Max Raid Battles in Pokemon Sword and Shield.
At this point the Flapple promotion doesn't have a time limit and GameStop hasn't specified how many Flapple cards are available, but the Pokemon TCG's rising popularity as of late means there will probably be plenty of people scrambling to get one. As seen with the McDonald's Pokemon card promotion, some collectors hope the McDonald's Pokemon cards will be worth a lot of money one day, and the same could be said for this Flapple card. But even if the Flapple card doesn't appreciate in value, it is still a unique item for collectors who want to remember spikes in Pokemon TCG and GameStop's popularity during 2021.
GameStop's Pokemon TCG promotion for the stamped Flapple card will begin on March 19.
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Source: PokeBeach