Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:03

Pokemon GO: Best Ultra League Teams (March 2021) | Game Rant

Written by Preston Fusci
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This year, fans who want to start competing in the first Ultra League in Pokemon GO can use this list for good suggestions for Pokemon.

There are plenty of new updates Niantic has made to Pokemon GO since it first came out, such as the inclusion of the Ultra League. And now that Pokemon GO season seven is starting strong, many trainers will be able to participate in the competition once again.

For any unfamiliar trainers, the Ultra League in Pokemon GO pits trainers against each other with a CP level cap of 2,500. It has just now started today at 4 pm eastern time and will go on for about two weeks until March 29th at 4 pm eastern time. At that time, the game will transition into the Master League.

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The usual strategy for Pokemon GO gamers is to get as close to the 2500 CP cap as possible using Candy XL. IV trainers normally go for Pokemon with low ATTK but high DEF and HP to balance it out. Here is a good list for fans looking for good suggestions on which Pokemon to go for:

Some useful options are Cresselia with Psycho Cut for the fast attack and either Grass Knot, Moonblast, or Future Sight for the charged attack; Registeel with Lock On for the fast attack and Flash Cannon or Focus Blast for the charged attack; Talonflame (XL) with Incinerate for the fast attack and Braver Bird for the charged attack; Giratina Altered Forme with Shadow Claw for the fast attack and Dragon Claw for the charged attack; and Swampert with Mud Shot for the fast attack and Hydro Cannon for the charged attack.

Additionally, other good Pokemon are Abomasnow (XL) with Powder Snow for the fast attack and Weather Ball for the charged attack; Galarian Stunfisk (XL) with Mud Shot for the fast attack and Rock Slide or Earthquake for the charged attack; Articuno with Ice Shard for the fast attack and Icy Wind for the charged attack; Politoed (XL) with Mud Shot for the fast attack and Weather Ball for the charged attack; and lastly, Regirock with Lock On for the fast attack and Stone Edge for the charged attack.

Typically, trainers will want to pick at least two of the Pokemon from the list if they want to put up a fighting chance. Pokemon marked with "XL" will require extra Pokemon GO Candy XL to power up to their full potential, so that should also be kept in mind. However, make sure that the two chosen Pokemon from the list don't share a similar move type disadvantage, or else that will cause some serious problems.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.

MORE: Pokemon GO: All the Mythical Pokemon That Still Aren't in the Game

Source: Attack of the Fanboy

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