It's normal for the Pokemon community to go wild with various theories, especially when new releases are announced such as the sudden reveal of Pokemon Legends: Arceus. But this one viral fan theory claims that trainers are attempting to rob one another with each Pokemon battle. And the reasoning is actually substantial.
As many gamers know, a big part of the Pokemon franchise is facing off with NPCs in Pokemon battles is necessary to establish dominance and eventually beat the Elite Four. Some wild and more sinister fan theories have been birthed out of the idea of capturing Pokemon and forcing them to battle, or even the crazy but supported idea that Pokemon are edible, as shown in Pokedex entries and the Pokemon anime series. And much like that dark theory, this new one has much evidence to back up its interesting claims.
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A couple of days ago, u/ThemightTho posted a theory to Reddit titled "All Pokemon battles are attempted robberies," claiming that NPC trainers are trying to rob the player of money as they travel through route after route. Their reasoning begins with the fact that the player can't run or escape from battle like they can when they encounter a Pokemon in the wild. Secondly, trainers ambush the protagonist on-sight without any option to deny them a Pokemon battle.
Then, the reasoning behind this robbery theory get even more substantial. If the player is defeated by the other trainer in a Pokemon battle, they have to pay the winner money and if the protagonist wins, they are awarded money. Finally, one commenter points out another interesting point. In the earlier games, the player will "black out" if they lose because all of their Pokemon have fainted. It's only then that they give the winner money for succeeding in battle.
Additionally, when the player loses, they'll wake up in a Pokemon Center after blacking out without any explanation of how they got there. Being the equivalent of a real-world hospital or doctor's office, fans imply this is the player getting mugged and being dragged to the Pokemon Center by someone else afterward.
Despite how hilarious or disturbing this Pokemon theory is because it was likely unintentional, it actually makes a lot of sense. Another commenter jokingly points out that this is probably the reason why the player isn't allowed to leave their originating town without a starter Pokemon.
Another Pokemon fan says, "it's best not to think too much about whats actually happening in Pokemon because if you do it's really disturbing." Many others compare the games to fantasy dog-fighting that was always portrayed in a lighthearted way.
Pokemon Sword and Shield are out now for the Nintendo Switch.
MORE: Pokemon Legends: Arceus Theory Points to Game's Professor