Call of Duty: Warzone is hiding more secrets, as a hidden CIA base is discovered and connected to the ever-progressing search for Rambo.
For Assassin's Creed Valhalla fans looking to find some of the new Irish Fireflys, here are the locations for them across the map.
Real people laugh and tell jokes, even in the worst of times. Batman's best directors have understood this, and hopefully Matt Reeves does, too.
This particular Cairn in Inchroe's Bog requires the player to think a bit outside of the box to complete it. Here's how!
These games are sure to thrill Mecha fans of all kinds and keep them entertained for hours!
Hades is an amazing game but these changes could make a potential sequel even better.
The first Mass Effect title comes with two endings that don't significantly influence the sequels but still serve some purpose for Shepard.
After gathering intelligence on Thorstein's whereabouts as well as that of his key-bearing lackey, Ama, the player can set out to find their targets.
Insomniac Games details the new accessibility options featured in Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, revealing a long list filled with inclusive settings.
Early in Mass Effect 3, Commander Shepard needs to choose between two qualified doctors to join them and their crew aboard the Normandy.