EA CEO Andrew Wilson confirms a new Battlefield will be ready for Holiday 2021, and an official reveal will be on the way soon.
Riot Games hires the former Hulu Executive Gaude Lydia Paez to oversee global company affairs to improve global communications.
Tuesday, 02 February 2021 01:32

EA is Confident About BioWare's Future | Game Rant

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Despite the recent departures of high-ranking BioWare employees, EA is confident about the future of the studio behind Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
A new video shows exactly how far Control: Ultimate Edition's ray-tracing enhancements on PS5 go to create a more realistic environment.
The art director for Subnautica: Below Zero talks about potentially introducing multiplayer to the franchise and teases future games.

Some may remember that in early 2015, The Wall Street Journal ran a story that claimed sources had informed the outlet that a live-action Legend of Zelda TV series was being developed by Netflix and Nintendo. The story made the rounds, of course, but Nintendo’s then-president Satoru Iwata shut down the rumors stating the information was incorrect, which seemed true given a series never materialized. According to comedian Adam Conover of CollegeHumor fame, the Zelda show was very real, and the only reason it got canned, along with other potential Nintendo adaptations, was because someone at Netflix leaked it.

Speaking on The Serf Times podcast, Conover reveals that at one point he and CollegeHumor were working on a secret project to create a claymation Star Fox in the vein of Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox. Nintendo was on board with the idea, and Conover says Shigeru Miyamoto even visited their office at one point. 

In a clip picked up by supererogatory on Twitter (as reported by Eurogamer), Conover goes on to say that it was during this time when rumors of the Zelda Netflix show began ramping up. 

“Then, like a month later, suddenly there were reports ‘Netflix isn’t doing this Legend of Zelda anymore, they’re not doing The Legend of Zelda.’ And I was like ‘What happened?’ and then I heard from my boss ‘We’re not doing the Star Fox anymore’, and I’m like ‘Oh, that’s weird’. So I went and asked him ‘What happened?’ and he said ‘Oh, someone at Netflix leaked the Legend of Zelda thing, they weren’t supposed to talk about it.' Nintendo freaked out because it was the first time they had done any IP in years for, like, any project, they had no television, no adaptations of any kind for years and years but when Netflix leaked it, they freaked out and they pulled the plug on everything. They pulled the plug on the entire program to adapt these things.”

The full clip is worth watching, especially Conover’s funny story about missing his chance to meet Miyamoto during his visit. Not much is known about Netflix’s mysterious Zelda show, other than WSJ’s sources at the time describing it as “Game of Thrones for a family audience” It’s a sad story, but not entirely surprising. If someone at Netflix really did spill the beans, it doesn't shock me at all to hear that Nintendo, a company extremely protective about its IPs, reacted by basically scorching the earth. Time has clearly healed some of those wounds, though, since Illumination of Despicable Me fame is currently working on the animated Mario film. And while a live-action show won't be happening, we still think Zelda would make a great Netflix animated series

[Source: supererogatory via Eurogamer]

Tuesday, 02 February 2021 00:25

Apex Legends Comes To Switch In March

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When the Switch version of Apex Legends was first announced last summer, Electronic Arts said it would be releasing in the fall of 2020. That didn't happen, but a recent post seemed to indicate that Respawn's shooter would be hitting today, February 2, alongside season 8. That also didn't happen. But even if Switch owners aren't claiming their in-game victories today, at least now they know exactly when they can: March 9. 

The news came via this post on the game's official site, which finally provided the solid date for the release of Apex Legends on Switch. 

In the post, Apex Legends game director Chad Grenier reveals the March 9 release date, and gives credit to the team at developer Panic Button for handling the port to Switch. But that isn't all: Grenier also outlines some of the other features and benefits to expect from this version at launch, including bonuses like free Battle Pass levels and an extra XP boost.

"Apex Legends will launch on Switch with support for cross-platform play, our latest seasonal content, and full feature parity with the other versions of the game," Grenier says. "Plus, since we’re launching a few weeks after the start of Season 8, Switch players will be granted 30 free levels for their Season 8 Battle Pass. For the first two weeks after launch, playing on Switch will also earn you double XP."

If you don't know much about Apex Legends, today might be a good time to jump in! Season 8 just started, which brings all kinds of new, fun things to the game that community is experiencing for the first time together. You can watch us play for a few hours right here, with Game Informer's own Top 500 player Jay Guisao showing off his skills.

Apex Legends is a free game, and it is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. And, as mentioned above, Switch is coming pretty soon.

Monday, 01 February 2021 23:00

Yes, Birdman Is A Superhero Movie | Game Rant

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Birdman does more to solidify the long-term cultural influence of caped crusaders and their villainous brethren than it does to undermine them.
Some Normal Pokemon would really benefit from have a second type attached to them. Here are some prime candidates.