Civilization 6's last free update of the 'season' adds a ton of changes and tweaks, but some are notably quite bigger than others.
Cyberpunk 2077 raises a lot of issues that tug at they player's heartstrings, but none so strong as the prevalent Cyberpsychosis illness.
Taika Waititi, apparently discontent with just playing Hitler, will now play another historical villain in his upcoming HBO Max pirate comedy series.
With Among Us receiving exclusive content on PlayStation, it might be time for Xbox to let one of its franchises join the crew.
A listing for a fake version of Animal Crossing: New Horizons is spotted on the Microsoft store, but at least with a budget price.
These games offer marvelous stories for players to engage with but their battle mechanics aren't up to snuff.
Saturday, 01 May 2021 14:00

10 Cutest Cats In Gaming History | Game Rant

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These video game felines are so adorable every gamer needs to see them right meow!
Naughty Dog co-president Neil Druckmann had good reasons for switching the live-action adaptation of 'The Last of Us' from a movie to a TV show.
As of the recent 2.0 update, New Pokemon Snap's Lental Region features 30 different courses. Here's how to unlock every single one of them.
Marvel’s Avengers is already seven months into its life, and it could be a fair bit older before PlayStation's exclusive Spider-Man DLC arrives.