To help ensure a level playing field for the start of Season 8, a few hundred high-level cheaters are about to be banned from Apex Legends.
Enchanting is key to really getting the most out of your equipment in Skyrim — these are the most important things you need to know about it.
The Soulsborne games may be famous for their boss battle difficulty, but they're not the only ones that really pushed players to their limits.
Developer Batandy has recreated the original Castlevania for NES with an original DOOM first-person makeover called Castlevania: Simon’s Destiny.
Japanese role-playing games (JRPGs) are notorious for having in-depth world-building, and these ten games take the cake when it comes to lore.
Rumors suggest No Time to Die could be forced to rework some scenes because even James Bond gets his Nokia phones on a two-year contract.
There are a lot of great Strength Heroes in DOTA 2. Here's a look at 10 of the absolute best, ranked.
If you're planning to wear Light Armor in Skyrim, you'll want to check out these awesome items.
Saturday, 30 January 2021 20:08

15 Best Sniper Games | Game Rant

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The shooter genre offers gamers the chance to combine marksmanship and excitement in one sitting. Here are the best sniper games to test your skills!
Hifumi is a popular confidant among fans, despite not being a Phantom Thief herself. These are some of the best gifts players can give her.