Monday, 08 February 2021 20:36

Apex Legends Narrative Historian Position May Clear Up Problems Within Game’s Lore

Written by Mason Sansonia
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Respawn Entertainment is hiring a temporary Narrative Historian for Apex Legends to compile and document all of Apex Legends' lore.

There are plenty of battle royale games to choose from these days, but few have the colorful cast or constant dev feedback that Apex Legends has. With new Legends dropping semi-regularly and players dedicated to cool plays with those Legends, it's clear Apex Legends still has a future.

Now that Apex Legends has been going strong for several seasons, Respawn Entertainment is looking to shore up one of the game's weaker aspects: its lore. While there is plenty of backstory for the Legends, the world, and the story, it is less than cohesive at this point. That's why Respawn is looking to hire a Narrative Historian for Apex Legends.

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According to Respawn Entertainment's website, the Temporary Narrative Historian will, after reading and fully comprehending the lore of Apex Legends as it currently stands, compile all of that data into a central Wiki. The ideal candidate will work with Respawn's staff writers to ensure both accuracy and consistency of the story as it stands, including the background and lore of the world and characters. There's no explanation offered for why Respawn is doing this now, but it could have to do with the upcoming Apex Legend anniversary event.

Apex Legends is far from the only battle royale game that has some trouble with its lore. In fact, it could be argued that it has handled its lore better than other multiplayer focused games, especially in the same genre. Consistent story simply isn't a priority for a game that is meant to last indefinitely. As such, the lore has been released and expanded on sporadically, making it a bit annoying for lorehounds to put together a solid picture of the world of Apex Legends. If the developer's desire for Apex Legends to crossover with Animal Crossing: New Horizons comes to pass, it will doubtless be even more confusing.

The position is hardly unheard of, although it is usually one that falls to fan communities who are invested in the lore. Still, if Blizzard's forgetfulness of its own lore concerning Falstad Wildhammer is any indication, it's good to have a game's story straight. This way details like Bangalore's Heirloom will not be lost or hard to find.

All things considered, it's a cool way to get a fan involved in the game's development in a way most fans of Apex Legends can really do well. Perhaps the position will become permanent, and perhaps not, but at least Octane's revealed face will be preserved for all time.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with the Switch version releasing March 9.

MORE: How Apex Legends Has Been a Force for Good

Source: Respawn Entertainment

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