Tuesday, 16 February 2021 17:18

Apex Legends Update Fixes Anniversary Collection Heirloom Pack Reset Issue

Written by Michael Beckwith
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An annoying Apex Legends bug related to the second anniversary has already been fixed and Respawn will even give free Apex Packs to affected players.

Apex Legends has been out for two years now and it is a time of celebration for both developer Respawn and the player-base. And while the new season (Season 8 for those counting) included the usual things like an additional weapon and a new playable Legend, Fuse, there is the Anniversary Collection event, designed specifically to celebrate the occasion. Unfortunately, the good times became quite mired thanks to a rather infuriating bug.

One of the purposes of the event is to allow players to more easily acquire Heirloom shards, with which they can use to purchase any Heirloom (an ultra rare cosmetic set) they want. One way this can be done is by purchasing 500 Apex Packs, as the 500th one is always guaranteed to contain some Heirloom shards. However, this seemed to not be working for players and Respawn itself recently took to Twitter to address the problem and explain what was going on.

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Basically, the hidden counter that keeps track of how many Apex Packs have been obtained was sometimes resetting. So, for example, if a player had managed to get 450 packs, if the counter then reset, the next 50 wouldn't bring them to 500; they'd just be stuck with 50. While the cause of the bug hasn't been explained, Respawn has stated that it has already fixed the problem as of February 10th.

While this is good news for some, there are of course those who were opening the packs before that date. Thankfully, Respawn already has a solution. It's currently working on a hotfix that will restore the counters of affected players. Basically, if a player has bought 1000 packs but the counter bug knocked that number down, the hotfix will restore it to 1000. This will also award any guaranteed Heirloom shards players should have received, so no need to worry about missing out on rewards. And as an extra gesture of goodwill, all affected players will be given an additional five Apex Packs.

The only downside is that there's no word on when the hotfix will arrive and the free packs will only be given out once the fix is released. Still, as annoying as the bug is, at least it's already gone and Apex Legends players won't be forced to miss out on any content they're owed.

This hasn't been the only problem plaguing players, however. Loba fans haven't been pleased with her Burglar's Best Friend tactical ability, saying that it suffers from lag and sometimes doesn't work at all. The problem's already caught Respawn's attention but there's also no date for when a fix for it will become available.

It's a shame that the second anniversary hasn't been bug/glitch free, but there has been some positive fan reception too. The new Locked and Loaded mode that's been added for the anniversary appears to have become very popular with some players to the point where they're asking for it to become the new default and not just a limited-time thing.

Apex Legends is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with the Switch version launching March 9.

MORE: Apex Legends Fans Raise Concerns Over Rise of Server Lag and Connection Issues

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