Friday, 28 May 2021 08:00

Destiny 2: What The Vex Mythoclast Catalyst Does & How To Find It

Written by Russ Boswell
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The Vex Mythoclast comes with its own Catalyst in Destiny 2. Here's how you can snag it and what it does.

Destiny faithful are head-over-heels that the iconic Vex Mythoclast has finally made an appearance in Destiny 2. Originally found in the first game, the Mythoclast has dropped back into the Exotic Weapons pool by way of Season of the Splicer. This is fantastic news for anyone out there who missed the one-of-a-kind Fusion Rifle but Bungie has hyped its re-release even more by offering up a Catalyst to make it even better.

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Getting the Vex Mythoclast requires trudging through the Vault of Glass but the reward is well worth it. It acts very similarly to its Destiny 1 counterpart, featuring the Timeless Mythoclast Exotic Perk that allows it to fire off Fusion Rifle energy instantly at a single pull of the trigger. It also comes with a unique perk that lets it gain weapon overcharge upon killing enemies, giving players access to an alternate fire mode that behaves more like a Linear Fusion Rifle with charged shots that inflict greater damage.

If you've got the unique Exotic, you'll want the Catalyst, so here's what it does and how you can find it.

The Vex Mythoclast Catalyst imbues the weapon with a single benefit:

  • Higher stacks of Overcharge increase stability.

Added stability can be beneficial to those that adore the Vex Mythoclast for what it is. Thanks to its "one pull, one shot" nature, the one-of-a-kind Fusion Rifle would only grow more accurate with a stability upgrade. Ignoring this Catalyst should only be considered if you're the type of player that enjoys its alternate firing mode since it features a longer wind-up before firing. That said, it's still beneficial no matter what mode you're using.

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Obtaining the Vex Mythoclast Catalyst requires you to dive back into the Vault of Glass Raid to locate five specialized plates. Finding the plates is the easy part, because each plate will spawn a series of Oracles that must be eliminated. These Oracles work the same as the ones encountered in the Raid, with players needing to pay attention to the order in which they appear and then eliminating them in the same sequence.

It's important to note that each plate adds an additional Oracle to the mix, making the process harder as players progress. The first plate features three Oracles to take down, the second adds an additional one (to bring the total to four), and each plate afterward will add one more.

These Oracles are also spread rather far apart in each area and it can be a headache trying to keep tabs on them all. For this reason, it's recommended to follow a guide, similar to this one that Luckyy 10P made. NOTE: You will need to have the Vex Mythoclast equipped during and throughout the entire five-plate puzzle.

If you want to give the process a shot yourself (note that you will need a Raid team as some Oracles are too far from one another for a single person to handle), here's a general look at the locations of each plate:

  • The first plate is located directly to the right of the spawn location that you land on when first starting the raid. It's in a small cave, near the back wall.
  • The second plate is located in a secret hidden pathway/jumping puzzle that is accessed BEFORE fighting the Templar boss.
  • The third plate is located in the Gorgon's Labyrinth AFTER beating the Templar, within a small alcove.
  • The fourth plate located down a series of platforms jutting from the walls directly to the right after defeating the Gorgons and entering the Chasm area.
  • The fifth and final plate is located towards the left-hand side, during the jumping puzzle on the way to Atheon. It's behind a large pillar-like section of a platform.

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Once the fifth plate has been activated and all of the appropriate Oracles have been dealt with, in sequence, a nearby Vex Portal will open up. Making your way to this portal and touching it will drop the Vex Mythoclast Catalyst (the portal will not actually teleport you anywhere).

Thankfully, there isn't a need to upgrade the Vex Mythoclast Catalyst so there aren't many tips to keep in mind when snagging your own. Do keep in mind, though, that obtaining this Catalyst is a headache the first time around and it takes some serious teamwork to make it a reality. Attempting to get the Catalyst with a group of randoms may backfire on you and it's best to find a group of friends or search for a group online that is entering the raid with the sole purpose of obtaining the Catalyst.

When dealing with the Oracles that spawn, make sure you dedicate teammates to cover them accordingly. It takes focus, patience, and timing to get through each puzzle and they only get harder as each plate is completed.

NEXT: How to Complete All Destiny 2 Seasonal Challenges for Week 3 (Season of the Splicer)

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