Sunday, 30 May 2021 16:04

Destiny 2's New Mod is Breaking the Game | Game Rant

Written by Andrea Trama
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Destiny 2's meta was recently shaken by seasonal mods introduced with the Season of the Splicer, and they made several weapons overpowered.

Destiny 2 released new seasonal content around three weeks ago in the form of the Season of the Splicer, involving the Vex hindering the sun from shining over the Last City via a simulation. The Guardians and Ikora Rey decided to ask for help from an old Eliksni ally, Mithrax, Kell of the House of Light, who is a Sacred Splicer capable of communing with the machines and deciphering the Vex's data. As is customary, the new Destiny 2 Season brought a new Artifact called Paradrome Cube, which can be upgraded by earning experience and unlocking seasonal mods.

Among these mods, especially in the last row of the Paradrome Cube, there are several extremely powerful ones that have a great impact on Destiny 2, to the point that they are defining the current meta in PvP and PvE. One of these mods is Breach and Clear, which is super strong at the moment and quickly became a must-have for Raids, especially where grenade launchers like Anarchy can shine now more than ever. The other mod was one that some people slept on for a time, and that is Energy Accelerant. After Bungie nerfed the mod, it's still dominating the game thanks to its interaction with the Titan's Crown Splitter sword and the Exotic trace rifle called Ruinous Effigy.

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The wording on Energy Accelerant states that it increases the damage dealt by the players' Dragonfly, Chain Reaction, and Firefly, but it's not limited to just that. Energy Accelerant was initially working with way too many damage buffs compared to what it was intended to do when the mod was first released. However, Bungie did fix the fact that Energy Accelerant affected Destiny 2's Exotic weapons like Symmetry, Telesto, Black Talon, and Deathbringer, with the latter being especially impacted by how high its DPS was. Not only that but, Bungie also made it so Energy Accelerant is not doubling damage dealt by explosions against other Guardians in Crucible and Gambit.

Regardless, Energy Accelerant is still extremely overpowered in the current Destiny 2 meta and it is gradually shaping it. Energy Accelerant's interactions with Ruinous Effigy and Crown Splitter are just insane. Ruinous Effigy is one of Destiny 2's trace rifles, and its Exotic perk states that final blows with it transform the killed enemy into a Void Transmutation sphere, which can be picked up and used as a melee weapon. While Energy Accelerant does not increase Ruinous Effigy's own damage, it does double the damage on the Void spheres, which can be used with light attacks, heavy attacks, and an energy-consuming blinding aura.

This pairs extremely well with Warmind's Decree, another seasonal mod that makes Void splash damage capable of generating Warmind Cells, too. Furthermore, Ruinous Effigy's catalyst makes enemies that are hit by the Void spheres take more damage, which stacks with other debuffs like Breach and Clear, for example.

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Another crazy interaction is with the Crown Splitter's heavy attack, making this sword deal massive damage to the point that it immediately became one of Destiny 2's highest DPS weapons. The way it works is that swinging the sword with light attacks stacks damage for the Crown Splitter's heavy attack, so a full combo of 5 light attacks and then the heavy one can make the latter hit enemies for almost 300.000 damage with some buffs and debuffs active.

Basically, the only downside of Energy Accelerant right now is that it is a mod that can only be used on the Guardians' class items (meaning Cloaks, Bonds, and Marks). As such, it cannot be stacked with Breach and Clear on a single character, but it does work with it if other players use it. Whether Bungie will further nerf Energy Accelerant remains to be seen, but right now is a great time to make good use of it.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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