The Warlocks of the Destiny community may find their Light-abilities boosted by the announcement of the return of Ikora Rey in Destiny 2's Season 14 and the next major expansion, The Witch Queen. The beloved Warlock has been strangely absent from Beyond Light and since the previous major Destiny 2 expansion, Shadowkeep.
Dedicated followers of the Destiny storyline have memories of the Warlock going back as far as the game's inception in 2014, and while the almighty Guardian has no intentions to die or retire anytime soon, the character has been more or less benched for the past year. The last major move by Ikora Rey involved the construction of a Vex Portal in Season 8, Season of the Undying. Fans have since speculated why the Warlock has all but disappeared, ranging from lore and story reasons to monetary and scheduling issues with the voice actor.
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Prior to its usual weekly update, Bungie posted a Destiny 2021 Update blog post that highlighted Ikora Rey's recent absence in Destiny 2. The post not only revealed that Ikora would have a main role in the following season, but that the Warlock will be playing a "pivotal role" in The Witch Queen. Whether this means the Warlock will be a vendor for players to interact with or a character that the expansion will revolve around isn't certain, although what is clear is that Ikora is back in business.

In any case, this will definitely get Destiny 2 fans excited for what's to come in The Witch Queen. Fans have already taken note of the numerous NPCs humming Savathun's Song in-game, as well as long speculating on the possible role that former Hunter and Hive expert Eris Morn may have. Hardcore followers of the lore may already know that Eris plays a very interesting role in an alternate version of the Destiny 2 storyline, titled "The Dark Future."
It'll be a while before Season of the Chosen ends, and even longer before Ikora takes center stage with Bungie delaying The Witch Queen into 2022. However, players will definitely have their hands full with the ramifications of Empress Caiatl and her attempts to expand her military power. Beyond that, Season 14 will also mark the return of the very first raid in Destiny history, Vault of Glass, with fresh improvements and a Master difficulty. More recently, the Seasonal Challenges for Week 3 are ready to complete but may take a little grinding this time around.
Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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