Heroic adventures were added to Destiny 2 in the Curse of Osiris expansion. Each of the adventures could only be completed after finishing all of the quests in each location. Next, Players could simply head to the planet where they needed to complete the quest and speak with an NPC to initiate the adventure. For example, on Mercury, guardians could initiate heroic adventures by speaking with Brother Vance.
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However, after the Shadowkeep expansion, players will no longer be able to start the quests whenever they want. Bungie likely made the change to eliminate power cap issues for new and returning players. Destiny gamers will only be able to access heroic adventures if there is a flashpoint on the particular planet (or moon). Every week, there is a new flashpoint in a particular location. The flashpoint rotation is as follows:
- Nessus
- Tangled Shore
- Io
- Mercury
- Titan
- Mars

All players have to do to begin a herioc adventure is approach the blue crown icon on their map. Herioc adventures used to have an orange sword icon, but that was changed following the Shadowkeep expansion. Unfortunately, there is no other way to begin the adventures and players will have to wait for the right location to be in the weekly rotation. The Heroic adventures themselves are easy and relatively straightforward. Gamers will have to kill enemies, collect materials, or both. Also, gamers do not have to worry about reaching a particular power level cap before completing the adventures, which is helpful for new guardians.
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Before Shadowkeep, heroic adventures were a great way to farm powerful engrams. Many players in the community would play through the adventures multiple times to level up their characters. However, heroic adventures no longer have powerful gear drops, making the method obsolete. There are plenty of alternative ways for players to get gear and pass the soft cap. Heroic adventures are no longer accessible, and the benefits of completing the adventure are not worth the effort. Unless players need to complete the adventures for another related quest, or they are trying to complete every quest in the game, waiting weeks for the adventures is not advisable. Gamers looking to reach the hard cap can participate in Nightfall, complete bounties, and collect weekly powerful rewards instead. A complete list of where players can find powerful gear is listed below:
- Vendor daily bounties
- Exo Stranger Stasis Challenge
- Prophecy Dungeon
- Trials of Osiris
- Prime Engrams
- Crucible Glory and Valor playlists
- Gambit
- Hawthorne clan rewards
- Nightfall