Saturday, 27 February 2021 18:15

Destiny 2: Complete Guide To A Flawless Run In Trials Of Osiris

Written by Payton Lott
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The Trials of Osiris are brutally difficult for even seasoned PVP players in Destiny 2. Here's how to go flawless during a run.

Trials of Osiris is the most difficult and rewarding PVP mode in Destiny 2. Clans face off in weekly 3V3 battles to try and reach seven wins and secure Pinnacle rewards. Unfortunately, to participate in the Trials of Osiris, players will have to find two teammates (or clanmates) to play with. Each week from Friday to Tuesday, gamers can try their luck in trials. Each team can participate until they have seven wins or three losses, whichever comes first. Each match consists of up to nine rounds and the first team to survive five rounds will win a match. In every round, players only have one life in a simple deathmatch format. Trials are extremely competitive, and players that are just returning to Destiny 2 should get some practice in the Crucible before expecting an undefeated run.

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Rewards in Trials are based on performance, and teams that win all seven of their matches will receive "flawless" regards. Getting just one win in Trials is challenging enough, and players will have to make adjustments to their playstyle, armor, and weapons to stand a chance. Because trials is a 3V3 mode on 6V6 maps, gamers will need to have a meticulous game plan before queuing into a match. Destiny 2 players must be incorporating the following tactics in their gameplay to attempt going flawless in the Trials of Osiris.

Preparation is key in Trials and players must be using the right weapons and armor to win. The current meta DPS weapons in PVP are hand cannons. Players should always be using a hand cannon as their all-around DPS weapon. Because many of the trials maps have long sightlines, each team should have at least one player with a sniper to challenge opposing teams at range. Gamers that do not opt to snipe should have a shotgun secondary for close-quarters engagements. All of the best players in the world will be running a hand cannon with either a sniper or a shotgun secondary. It goes without saying that players should be at least at the hard cap before attempting to play in the Trials. Depending on the class and subclass a player is running, they should make sure to stack the right attributes for their playstyle. For example, an aggressive Hunter should have high mobility stats. At this point in the life cycle of Destiny 2, there are dozens of viable armor and weapon options for players.

Team coordination has always been an important aspect of Destiny 2 PVP. In the Trials specifically, players will need to be glued together and constantly communicating. Gamers need to choose their teammates wisely, as even the best players need support to get wins in Osiris. Teammates should be relaying information on enemy positions, abilities, and movement. The most successful teams have already developed chemistry in raids or the Crucible, and doing so is advisable. The Trials of Osiris are the most daunting of the PVP modes in Destiny 2, and every player on a team has to be at least competent for squads to win a match, let alone achieve flawless victory. It is equally important for each team to have varying classes and subclasses. It will be easy for an opposing team to dismantle three Arcstriders with similar playstyles, for example. That being said, there are a variety of ways to play Destiny 2 PVP and most subclasses are feasible in Trials.

Discussing when and how to use supers in Trials is a huge aspect of the gameplay. Nearly every player should get a super after a few rounds, and teams need to use their super cleverly. Teams have a few options when they have a super available. One option is to use it immediately. Players should only use their super first if they know that the enemy team does not have one. Nine times out of ten an uncontested super will lead to an easy win. Another option is to use the super to combat an enemy super. Teams should discuss which enemy player has a super and what type within each class. If the opponent has a Warlock stasis super, the team should discuss which class has the best chance to defeat the Warlock.

However, teams can be in a tricky cost-benefit analysis when two enemies use their super in one round. A majority of the decision-making in Osiris will hinge upon the round score. If two enemies use their super and a squad is winning three to zero, it could be more strategic to throw the round and clean up the opposing team in the final two rounds. The final scenario is a game-clinching round. Squads can decide to go all in and use their supers or save one just in case the opposing team pulls off an upset.

There are far more comprehensive lists that cover PVP tips for players looking to improve, but movement should at least be covered briefly in this article. Movement sets apart good and top-tier players in Destiny 2. Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks should be incorporating all of the advanced movement tactics to have a better chance of success. Every single player on a team should be sliding around the map and crouch strafing to avoid gunfire. Experienced players will be able to combine sliding and jumping with abilities to dominate in trials. Without sound movement, squads will not be able to win a match.

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