Destiny 2: Beyond Light brought new weapons and armor for Guardians to chase after. One of these new weapons is the Thermal Erosion Heavy Machine Gun. The Thermal Erosion is the only 900 RPM Legendary Machine Gun in Destiny 2: Beyond Light that is not sunset and currently available. Thermal Erosion can be a PVE powerhouse with the right perks.
Thermal Erosion is available from Variks by doing The Warrior Empire Hunt. The Empire Hunt will send Guardians on a short quest around Europa before confronting Phylaks. Defeating Phylaks will award Guardians with a randomly rolled Thermal Erosion. Guardians that are fans of Machine Guns will want to farm for the Thermal Erosion due to its currently unique archetype in Destiny 2.
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Thermal Erosion in Destiny 2: Beyond Light has a large perk pool, increasing the combinations available to Guardians. With an inherently poor recoil direction stat, Guardians may want to look for Arrowhead Brake to tighten up the recoil direction into a more vertical recoil pattern. Chambered Compensator and Extended Barrel are also available for Guardians that do not get Arrowhead Brake.

When it comes to the Magazine options, Guardians have a few options. Considering the Thermal Erosion is a 900 RPM Machine Gun with a base magazine of 65, Guardians may find that Extended Mag is a valuable perk, bringing the Magazine size to 83. The tried-and-true options such as Ricochet Rounds and High Caliber Rounds are also available.
The Thermal Erosion has 6 perks available in each trait slot. For the first slot, Guardians should look out for Killing Wind, Zen Moment, or Quickdraw. The final trait slot will come down to guardian preference; however, some perks to look for include Dragonfly, Dynamic Sway Reduction, and Wellspring.
Tying it all together leaves Masterwork and Mod options. For the Masterwork, Guardians will want to look for either a Range or a Stability Masterwork based on their preference. When it comes to the Mod, Guardians that got Dragonfly on their Thermal Erosion, cannot go wrong with a Dragonfly Spec Mod. For Guardians who did not get Dragonfly on their Thermal Erosion, the Backup Mag Mod makes for a great choice and brings the magazine size to 100 when paired with Extended Mag and 83 without Extended Mag.
With up to 100 bullets in its mag, Thermal Erosion can be a devastating PVE powerhouse allowing Guardians to reduce the number of reloads and continue doing what is important, shooting more enemies. With Dragonfly, Thermal Erosion can be used to cause explosions and clear out whole rooms of enemies. Thanks to the removal of Sunsetting in Destiny 2, Thermal Erosion is here to stay.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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