Tuesday, 02 March 2021 00:39

Destiny 2: How to Complete All Week 4 Season Challenges

Written by Dalton Cooper
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Destiny 2's weekly reset is live, giving Guardians a new set of 10 tasks to complete for the latest batch of Seasonal Challenges.

Destiny 2 is now in Week 4 of Season of the Chosen, and as was the case with previous weeks, that means that there is a new set of Seasonal Challenges for fans to complete. The Seasonal Challenges will have Destiny 2 players once again completing Battlegrounds, but also exploring Lost Sectors, fighting it out in the Crucible, and taking on some of the most difficult Strike challenges.

Those who have been making it a point to complete all of the Destiny 2 Seasonal Challenges each week should be ready to just focus on Week 4, but it should be noted that the Mayhem playlist is back in the Crucible this week as well. There was a Destiny 2 Week 1 Seasonal Challenge for getting Super kills in Mayhem, so those who didn't do that while Mayhem was available the first time around should definitely make it a point to get done with it now. Bungie will almost certainly swap out Mayhem next week, after all.

RELATED: How to Complete All Destiny 2 Seasonal Challenges for Week 3

The Destiny 2 Week 4 challenges are quite a bit more difficult than previous weeks, but that makes sense as Guardians should be much more powerful than they were at the start of Season 13. With that in mind, here is what Destiny 2 players will need to do if they hope to complete all of the Week 4 Seasonal Challenges.

Objective: Report to the War Table in the HELM and complete the "Challenger's Proving IV" Quest. Then defeat Cabal using Sniper Rifles

Previous versions of Contender's Ascent were mainly focused on introducing Destiny 2 players to new Battlegrounds. There is no new Battleground map this week, but the Contender's Ascent IV is super-sized to make up for it. To get started, go to War Table at the HELM and then start completing each step of the quest. It will start by having players collect Cabal Gold, socket their Hammer of Proving, and then complete a Battlegrounds through the playlist like usual, but then things become a little different.

After a conversation with The Crow, players will then be sent to the Asterion Abyss on Europa to find Vex Memory Fragments. They will then need to complete the Perdition Lost Sector in Cadmus Ridge on Europa, followed by The Pit Lost Sector, found in the European Dead Zone. That will get Destiny 2 players all the way to Step 8 of Challenger's Proving IV, which asks them to get kills in Legion's Anchor in the European Dead Zone, with bonus progress earned by getting grenade, grenade launcher, and rocket launcher kills.

The next step is to complete the Skydock IV Lost Sector in the European Dead Zone, and then players simply need to return to the HELM to have some chats with The Crow and Lord Saladin. The whole time that they are doing these objectives, players should make it a point to use their sniper rifles as much as possible since they will also need to kill at least 50 Cabal using a sniper rifle if they want to finish up this particular Seasonal Challenge.

Objective: Acquire Cabal Gold by playing Strikes, Gambit, Crucible, public events, and more.

As with previous weeks, this challenge stacks, and once again, it's all about amassing a certain amount of Cabal Gold. This time around, players need to get 400 Cabla Gold, so the requirement has been going up by about 100 each week. The quickest way to get Cabal Gold is usually by doing Strikes, but it's better to save this challenge for the end of the week. Doing the other challenges will help players get Cabal Gold, and then if there's still some left to get after finishing those up, then players can start grinding for the gold.

Objective: Don't allow opponents to interrupt Ghost in Battlegrounds missions.

Near the start of the Battlegrounds: Oracle activity on Nessus, there is a segment where Ghost attempts to scan a Vex pillar. Disruptor Psisons will spawn and attempt to interrupt Ghost's scanning, but if players manage to keep them from getting to Ghost, they will get some credit for this chance. They need to prevent Ghost from being interrupted twice to satisfy the requirements for this Seasonal Challenge. This will be easier to complete if players go to the Battlegrounds: Oracle activity directly through Nessus instead of through the Battlegrounds playlist, as it will be lower difficulty.

Objective: Defeat Champions and get grenade takedowns in Battlegrounds.

Champions in Destiny 2 are especially powerful enemies who, in the Battlegrounds at least, are usually capable of shielding themselves and regenerating their health. They are commonly found in Battlegrounds and high-level activities, so players will likely complete this challenge naturally by simply playing the game. At least 10 will need to be killed and meanwhile, Destiny 2 players will also want to try to get 45 grenade kills in Battlegrounds. Don't worry about trying to grind this one out until the rest of the Seasonal Challenges have been completed, and if they are any Champions left to be killed, then start doing Battlegrounds until this challenge has been completed.

Objective: Complete a Lost Sector on Legend or higher.

On any given day, two Lost Sectors throughout the Destiny 2 universe will have their Legend or Master difficulty variants available. To activate them, Destiny 2 players will need to travel to the Lost Sectors like normal, but instead of just diving in, interact with a flag sitting outside of the entrance. Since Master difficulty is higher than Legend difficulty, players can choose which one they want to do for this Seasonal Challenge. If players go through Solo, they will be entitled to some extra rewards, so they should keep that in mind as well.

Objective: Decrypt Prime Engrams.

Prime Engrams are found all throughout Destiny 2, and players will acquire them over time through normal gameplay. Once Destiny 2 players have a Prime Engram in their inventory, they can decrypt it by speaking to Master Rahool in the Tower. Unfortunately, this challenge does not take into account previous Prime Engrams that players may have decrypted, but on the bright side, they only need to decrypt five to complete this challenge.

RELATED: Destiny 2 March 2 Update Fixes Battlegrounds and Presage Issues

Objective: Stagger, pierce, or disrupt Champions.

There are certain weapons that have qualities that allow them to stagger, pierce, and disrupt Champions. Players can also accomplish this by purchasing Bell of Conquests artifact mods. The Bell of Conquest should already be fully leveled by now, so Destiny 2 players should be able to spend points on weapons that would be advantageous for getting this done. Players will need to do this to a whopping 30 Champions, so it's something that they will want to work on while doing the other Seasonal Challenges.

Objective: Defeat powerful combatants in Gambit. Earn bonus progress for defeating high-value targets.

This week's Gambit challenge is pretty straightforward and Destiny 2 players will likely unlock it naturally just by playing Gambit matches. While any "powerful" combatants will help players get progress, high-value targets will get this challenge done faster, so players should be on the lookout for them. The Drifter will usually announce when a high-value target has joined the fray, so players will know when they need to look. High-value targets glow with white light and they drop a lot of motes when killed, so players should always make a point to kill them anyway.

Objective: Complete Crucible matches in the Competitive playlist.

For this Seasonal Challenge, go to the Crucible in the Director, then look at the playlist in the middle of the bottom row with a crown on top of it. This is the competitive playlist, which switches between Elimination and Survival. It's Survival this week, but if Destiny 2 fans can't stand Survival they can wait for Elimination to come back around or vice versa. Players don't have to win any matches to get this Seasonal Challenge done, but rather just complete them. In total, players will have to complete eight games to finish this challenge.

Objective: Complete any Nightfall: The Ordeal Strike on Hero difficulty or higher.

Bungie is really ramping up the difficulty with the challenges for Week 4, but that makes sense as Destiny 2 players should be at Power Level 1,300 or close to it at this stage in the game. Players will need to complete Nightfall: The Ordeal three times on Hero difficulty or higher to do this, which won't be the easiest thing in the world, but it's more than doable.

Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: How to Complete All Destiny 2 Week 2 Seasonal Challenges

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