Tuesday, 02 March 2021 16:12

Destiny 2 Gets Season Pass Trailer Four Weeks Into Season of the Chosen

Written by Dalton Cooper
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Bungie releases a new trailer for the Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen Season Pass, which seems to confuse some fans as the season is well underway.

Destiny 2 kicked off Season 13, Season of the Chosen, roughly four weeks ago. Like with other Destiny 2 seasons, Season of the Chosen gives players a variety of new activities to complete along with new gear to unlock. And also like with other Destiny 2 seasons, Season of the Chosen includes an optional Season Pass that fans can purchase to get even more content. While Season of the Chosen has been around for four weeks now, Bungie is just now releasing a trailer highlighting the Season Pass and what's included.

The Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen Season Pass trailer starts off by detailing the content players can unlock immediately. This includes the Praefectus Suit Armor Set as well as the unique Ticuu's Divination Exotic Bow. It also highlights the Presage Exotic Quest, which players need to complete if they hope to unlock the Dead Man's Tale Exotic scout rifle. The trailer then shows how players will be able to utilize these new items in the Battlegrounds activities that were introduced as part of Season of the Chosen.

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From there, the Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen Season Pass trailer explains how purchasing the Season Pass will allow players to go through the battle pass faster, which will help them unlock the 100+ rewards at a quicker rate. These rewards include some Season of the Chosen exclusive emotes that players will be able to snag to give their Guardians some extra flair.

The comment section for the video is flooded with people confused as to why Bungie is just now releasing this Season Pass trailer. However, others have pointed out that this trailer is not for people who bought the Season Pass as soon as the Season of the Chosen started. On the contrary, the trailer is more for people who have yet to take the plunge, as it highlights some content that wasn't necessarily in the game as soon as the season started.

Regardless, those who play Destiny 2 regularly will definitely want to consider picking up the Season Pass, as it will greatly enhance their Season of the Chosen experience by giving them more to do and unlock. It will also give them more incentive to complete the Destiny 2 Seasonal Challenges, which in turn will get players even more rewards and XP boosts, allowing them to get through the Season Pass even faster.

After Season of the Chosen, Destiny 2 players will have a few more Seasons to experience before the launch of The Witch Queen expansion, coming in early 2022. Those Seasons will almost assuredly have their own Season Passes as well, so Destiny 2 enthusiasts should have plenty of content to look forward to throughout the year.

Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Destiny 2: How to Complete Intruder Alert Seasonal Challenge

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