Saturday, 06 March 2021 14:31

Destiny 2 Battleground Glitch Seemingly Allows for Foothold Instant Clear

Written by Derek Nichols
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One Destiny 2 player discovers a new exploit that allows them to instantly clear Battlegrounds: Foothold but things may not be quite as they seem.

After launching all the way back in 2017, Destiny 2 players have seen all sorts of strange behaviors during the game's lifetime, from bugs and glitches, to exploits that may have given some players an unfair advantage. Naturally, Bungie typically moves quick to plug these holes, though the studio is currently in the middle of attempting to fix a few different issues currently plaguing the title. Fans have noted that enemies appear to be teleporting more often than normal, and while it's not nearly as bad, players have also found a way to activate 12 player raid activities.

Exploration glitches have also been a staple of Destiny 2, where players have found area's typically blocked off or made inaccessible. Last season after the arrival of the Beyond Light expansion, players even discovered ways to break into zones which had yet to be activated such as the Creation facility. The Deep Stone Crypt also featured a popular glitch that completely eliminated one of the debuffs in the first section of the raid, making it highly soloable. With the Season of the Chosen introducing the new Battlegrounds activity, one resourceful player has managed to find a way to instantly clear the activity.

RELATED: Bungie Explains Why Destiny 2 Enemies are Teleporting

The newest glitch was seemingly discovered by the Destiny 2 subReddit user CloudLXXXV. In fact, this user has essentially found two game breaking glitches, the first which removes enemies from the Cosmodrome, though prevents the Battleground from being able to be completed. However, with a few tweaks, CloudLXXXV was able to troll many players by making it look like they were able to instantly clear the Foothold Battleground on the Cosmodrome and avoid all of the main chokepoints and big battles.

For the second glitch, Destiny 2 players will need to battle through the first section of the Battlegrounds, eliminating the boss and making it through the barrier. As soon as the Lunar Complex message appears in the room with Cabal and Hive fighting, players should jump up onto a small ledge and up and through a skylight with a slowly rotating fan. This will take players outside of the map and able to continue progressing above the battles below.

CloudLXXXV continues forward jumping on the various roofs and platforms until they enter Skywatch. After ducking into the building to reemerge into the new zone, the player avoids starting the rite of passage and instead proceeds to take down the enemies in the zone. At this point, once the rest of the fireteam finishes the lengthy ghost hack section, the boss Val Ma'rag seemingly spawns in with the barrier up. However, the boss health bar at the bottom does not appear, even though the normal three phases take place. Once the boss is dead, the player activates the Rite of Proving, which again spawns the actual boss fight, though this time, the boss disappears and the quest ends as normal. This was how the user tricked many into the community the first time, saying they used a Konami code to instantly end the battle.

Needless to say, Bungie is likely going to patch this out since it's not intended behavior at all. However, the studio may not be able to get to it soon as the big issue right now is with the weekend PvP activity Trials of Osiris. For the second weekend in a row, Bungie has had to disable the mode entirely due to an ongoing issue with win trading through a matchmaking exploit. Getting easy flawless wins is something that Bungie doesn't want to ruin the experience for players, so until a fix is made, the mode will remain unavailable.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Destiny 2's Removal of Sunsetting Is An Unprecedented But Welcome Change

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