Saturday, 13 March 2021 12:38

Destiny 2 Video Reveals the Best Rocket Launcher That's Hard to Get

Written by Derek Nichols
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With a handful of rocket launchers introduced in Destiny 2 this season, one in particular has proven to be nearly impossible to obtain.

Rocket Launchers inside of Destiny 2 haven't always been the go to option for many players, especially in recent seasons thanks to swords like Falling Guillotine and The Lament simply deleting enemies so efficiently. However, Bungie sought to fix the balance inside of Season of the Chosen, giving rocket launchers a massive 30% damage buff at the start of the season. That change, combined with the small number of nerfs to swords, seems to have turned the tide, bringing rocket launches back into relevancy once more.

Thankfully, Season of the Chosen also introduced more than a few worthy weapons into the Destiny 2 loot pool including a couple of rocket launchers that are a hit with fans. For example, Code Duello comes with new perks introduced this season, giving them very strong damage output while also being pretty easy to obtain through regular activities. However, it seems that the game's best rocket launcher may be virtually impossible to obtain.

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The other newly introduced rocket launcher this season is known as Royal Entry, a gun that is tied to the Strikes playlist similarly to Gambit's Bottom Dollar hand cannon and the Crucible's Frozen Orbit sniper rifle. What makes this  weapon so desirable is the fact that it is a precision frame, meaning that each rocket fired lock on and track enemies. In addition, it can fire 7 rockets before needing a reload and has access to most, if not all, rocket launcher weapon perks including ones like Clown Cartridge that were exclusive to the Trials of Osiris specific rocket launcher.

Naturally, this makes the weapon very strong, though according to popular Destiny 2 content creator Ehroar, the weapon is nearly impossible to find. The weapon is exclusively tied to the Strike and Nightfall playlist, meaning that it has a small chance to be rewarded at the end of a mission. Unfortunately, the drop chances are extremely low, requiring that many players continue to grind out mission and even then, players can't control what perks drop with the weapon. Obtaining god roll perks like All for One or Clown Cartridge will be a matter of luck and getting the exact loadout will be near impossible due to the huge pool of available perks the weapon can roll with.

In addition to certain weapons being difficult to come by, fans have recently started bringing attention to the problem with mods as well. Season after season has brought an influx of new mods into the game, though for fans who may have missed any, finding them comes down simply to luck. Banshee-44, the Tower Gunsmith, sells two weapon mods each day, though what he has is simply done through RNG. Finding certain mods is nearly impossible, though thankfully Bungie is aware of weapon mod frustration and is looking to a new way for players to get the mods they need.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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