Tuesday, 23 March 2021 23:04

Destiny 2: Val Cempas and Val Trekitus Location | Game Rant

Written by Steven Marinelli
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Destiny 2's new Proving Grounds Strike includes a Triumph to Eliminate Caiatl's Cabal, including Val Cempas and Val Trekitus.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light Season of the Chosen has been developing a story around Caiatl and the Cabal. This story has led Guardians to Caiatl’s Imperial Land Tank on Nessus, home of the new Proving Grounds Strike. During this Strike, Guardians can work on the Destiny 2 Triumph, Eliminate Caiatl’s Cabal. This Triumph requires Guardians to eliminate 10 named Cabal, including Val Cempas and Val Trekitus, during the Proving Grounds Strike.

There are 10 named targets throughout the Proving Grounds Strike. Guardians will need to make sure that they damage each target before they are eliminated, or Guardians will not get credit for killing the target. The named targets in the Proving Grounds Strike are easy to eliminate, but this means that Guardians could easily miss the target if another fireteam member kills the target quickly. Guardians can re-play the Strike to hunt any of the targets they may have missed.

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Val Trekitus can be found first in the vehicle bay, Guardians should keep an eye out for him when they arrive there. For those that want to be helpful to other fireteam members, damage Val Trekitus to lock in the credit and let the other fireteam members finish killing him. This will let the other Guardians also get credit for the kill. Val Cempas is not too far ahead from here.

Val Cempas is located in the area with the first power orb. Guardians will need to eliminate all the enemies before grabbing the orb, making this a good time for Guardians to be on the lookout for Val Cempas. The same rules apply with Val Cempas, damage him before he is killed in order to gain credit towards the Eliminate Caiatl’s Cabal Triumph. From here, Guardians can hunt other named targets while finishing the strike. If Guardians miss out on Val Cempas, Val Trekitus, or any of the other named targets, they can re-play the strike at any time to find the rest of the named targets.

Considering there are 10 targets for the Eliminate Caiatl’s Cabal Triumph, Guardians may need to play the Proving Grounds Strike a few times in order to eliminate them all. Luckily, the targets are all named, which should make spotting them a little easier. When Guardians have eliminated all 10 of the named targets, they will have completed the Eliminate Caiatl’s Cabal Triumph and be one step closer to the Chosen Title.

The Proving Grounds Strike also holds access to a few other Triumphs that Guardians may choose to work on. The Overdrive Overload Triumph requires Guardians to overload power systems in the undercarriage. They may also complete the Gotta Go Halphas Triumph that requires completing the Proving Grounds Strike in under 15 minutes.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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