Throughout this new season of Fortnite, Epic Games continues to add new challenges for all players to accomplish for extra experience points. While the challenge descriptions are mostly easy to figure out what the player has to do, some of them don't signpost as much as one would think. For Fortnite players to finish a certain Season 5 Week 9 Challenge, here's a guide to how to ride the steamy stacks.
Riding the steamy stacks can be done pretty much in just a few seconds after jumping off of the Battle Bus. Fortnite players will want to open up their map and place a marker on an area on the map called Steamy Stacks. It's in the northeast section of the map and shouldn't be too hard to miss. Also, this area is typically not the first place that most players will go to, so there should be a lack of foes here to deal with. And that's a great thing because it can be hard to complete objectives when other combatants are shooting like crazy.
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Once players begin to get closer to the Steamy Stacks area on the map, they will notice two huge structures that look like smoke stacks. In order to complete the challenge and "ride the steamy stacks," players should simply walk into the stack from the bottom of it, and then they will begin to fly upwards and out of the stack. That's all that Fortnite fans need to do to.

It doesn't matter which of the stacks players jump into, the challenge will still be completed.

For players who are attempting to complete more Fortnite challenges should check out this guide that shows gamers how to find hidden bunkers for the Season 5 Week 9 challenges.
And if fans are looking forward to new content being added to Fortnite, there could be something on the way soon in the form of mounted car guns and other vehicle mods. As of right now, Fortnite players have to use their own personal weaponry while riding in a vehicle like a car, so adding mounted guns could add a flashy and exciting twist to car combat in the game. Having to run away from the dangerous closing circle could be much easier if cars had more tools that make them more useful.
Considering that this past December was very good for Fortnite, there could be a chance a big update could be coming soon.
Fortnite is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
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