Sunday, 14 March 2021 21:00

Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Lisa | Game Rant

Written by Joseph Barbieri
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Lisa is a much-beloved character on Genshin Impact but there are many things most fans likely don't know about her.

After its release in September of 2020, Genshin Impact gained a large player base that has maintained well into 2021. The game combines fun action-packed combat with great exploration and navigation and the developers seem intent on releasing more and more new content.

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As of now, Genshin Impact has 29 playable characters with more on the horizon.  Many of these characters aren't easy (or guaranteed) to obtain though. This is one thing that makes Lisa a great overall pick. She may be weak in comparison to other electro characters in the cast, but she joins the player early on and is a guaranteed free pick-up in the prologue. There's plenty to learn about this mysterious witch, as she's more than just a simple librarian.

10 Graduated From Sumeru Academia

Sumeru Academia stands as one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions in the world of Teyvat. The school trains researchers, mages, and record keepers, often sending them all over the world to conduct their work. Though they accept people from all across Teyvat, the Sumeru Academia isn't easy to get through.

Lisa graduated from the Sumeru Acaemida and was lauded as the best graduate in nearly 200 years. She was trained as a grand mage and gained her significant magical talents through her time at the legendary school.

9 She Loves Taking Naps

When thinking of a powerful grand mage, it's easy to think of a mysterious robed demi-god capable of splitting mountains in half with the utterance of a few ancient spells. The very term "grand mage" points to a person of great conviction and unrivaled magical ability.

Lisa could be destroying mountains or collecting immense magical power... If she wasn't napping. According to the official website for Genshin Impact Lisa loves napping and can, "never get enough" naps. Don't let this be a marker of laziness though, as Lisa still manages to complete the tasks she puts her mind to.

8 Her Special Dish Is Mysterious Bolognese

It turns out that Lisa's favorite dish is pasta. She likes it best with meat sauce, herbs, and maybe a mysterious touch of magic to spruce it all up. The dish can be made after learning how to make Flaming Red Bolognese.

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The dish recovers 26% max HP to the consumer and buffs them with a health regen of 570/5 seconds every 30 seconds. It's unknown what exactly Lisa does to make the dish her signature, but her enchantments seem to be the secret ingredients.

7 She's A Bit Of A Flirt

Though Lisa is a talented witch who spent a long time mastering her craft, she's more than a one-dimensional bookworm. After getting her to the party, players may find that she often uses descriptive words such as "cutie" or "darling" when referring to the player character. Players shouldn't get their hopes up though, as there is currently no romance system in the game.

Even with a romance system though, it seems Lisa is dead set on Albedo, a peer from the Knights of Favonius. When talking about him, she often says that he is, "good for the eyes." Perhaps it's Albedo's talent in alchemy that attracts Lisa, or maybe it's his status as a rare and powerful party member.

6 Her Birthday Is June 9th

Though unimportant for in-game matters, Lisa celebrates her birthday on June 9th. This would make her a Gemini, though she doesn't always fit the generalized mold of someone born under the sign. As of now, Lisa doesn't share a birthday with any of the other members of the playable cast.

She's also the oldest of the playable cast at 32 (not counting the several thousand-year-old characters). Lisa shares a birthday with celebrities Johnny Depp, Michael J. Fox, and Natalie Portman. It seems as if June 9th is a great day for charismatic people and characters alike!

5 She's Easily Bored

Though Lisa started out as a recognizable and legendary graduate of the Sumera Academia, she's since moved to being a librarian with the Knights of Favonius. Though the life of a grand mage surely promised no shortage of excitement, Lisa chose the quiet life of a bookkeeper instead. As a result, she sometimes gets bored with the usual tidings of the job.

She prefers the restricted section of the library to the tame selection of the other sections. Lisa is surely excited to join the player on their quest as it gets her away from the confines of old shelves, dusty tomes, and boring work.

4 Hails From The Nation of Mondstadt

Lisa's home nation is Mondstadt, the home nation of many other characters in the game (including her possible love interest Albedo). Mondstadt also happens to be the starting location for the player and is featured throughout the prologue.

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The nation worships the Archon called Barbatos, also called the "God of Freedom." The city-state of Mondstadt is a central part of the story and is a major component of Lisa's personal backstory along with many other playable party members.

3 Favorite Flower Is The Purple Rose

Lisa's favorite flower can be spotted in several places on her character model. She has a purple rose adorned with a belt that wraps around her hat and also has a rose pinned near her collar on her dress. The purple rose is obviously representative of her electro elemental power and works well with Lisa's overall sense of style.

Unlike most traditional wizard and witch tropes, Lisa doesn't wear plain robes or wield a wand. Instead, she's rather flashy with the flowery dress and electric purple color palette. Perhaps she simply wanted to stand apart from other casters in her ranks?

2 Her Height Is 5'4"

Lisa is just an inch over the estimated global average for female height at 5'3". Lisa might not have a reach advantage in a physical fight, but luckily her magical ability should be more than enough to make up for her otherwise average height.

Lisa's powerful magical abilities are a great asset to any party and her variety of spells and talents allow her to stay further back in the fight. Lisa is a great ally in combat for sure, just don't ask her to reach for any books on the top shelves.

1 Can Still Work In A Party

Lisa is by no means a meta-character in Genshin Impact. She's easily outclassed by other supporting damage dealers and her electro talents can be done better by other characters. That being said, Lisa isn't completely unviable. She's a free character who's available to all players. There is no need for absurd rolls or crazy luck to unlock her.

Through ascension and careful party management, Lisa can still work for casual parties. Many players like her for one reason or another but feel pressured not to use her because she isn't top-tier. Though Lisa may not be a boss killer or a must for big quests, her kit still provides powerful supporting damage and she can still work in a solid party.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Xiao 

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