Friday, 19 March 2021 22:04

Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Venti | Game Rant

Written by Maciej Grzymkowski
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In Genshin Impact, the Traveler quickly becomes familiar with the protector of Mondstadt, Venti. What are some lesser-known facts about the Archon?

Genshin Impact is one of the most popular role-playing games in the world right now. With 39 million registered players and regularly issued updates, the numbers speak for themselves: Genshin is going to stay with us for a long time. It isn't perfect, but there are plenty of things to love it for: the unique combat system, wonderfully crafted open world, but most primarily, the game is played for its interesting and well-developed characters.

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One of these characters is Venti -- an Archon that often takes up a human form, he is the Anemo Archon and protector of Mondstadt. With a quirky personality and a positive attitude, there are many reasons why Venti is such a beloved Genshin Impact character.

10 He Is Allergic To Cats

It's kind of weird to imagine a God being allergic to anything, but that is exactly the case with Venti. He sneezes every time he's around cats and is quite outspoken about his disdain for the furry creatures.

Venti's allergy to cats is a nice indication of how down-to-earth he actually is. Even though he is an all-powerful Archon, one of the Seven that people all over Teyvat pray to, he is still very attached to his human form, including all of the shortcomings that come with it.

9 He Loves Annoying Zhongli

Personality-wise, Zhongli and Venti are about as different as two people can be. Given that they're both also Archons, they're bound to be spending quite a bit of time together, as the Gods tasked with taking care of the various regions of Teyvat.

Although they may not be the most similar of characters, they do have mutual respect for each other. However, the quirky, fun-loving Venti loves to prank, annoy, and make fun of Zhongli, and he makes use of every single chance he gets to do so.

8 He Doesn't Have A Lot Of Mora

Surprisingly, Archons don't make all that much Mora from their work as protectors and caretakers of all of Teyvat's regions. Combine that with Venti's expensive drinking habit, and he turns out to be the poorest God in all of Genshin Impact. 

Venti's poverty is not limited to not being able to sustain his addiction to wine. Sometimes, he doesn't even have enough money to afford food and often wanders around Mondstadt in search of something to eat. This is why he can be found on the streets, singing for the passers-by, just to make enough Mora to be able to grab a bite.

7 He Considers Albedo To Be A Possible Threat To Mondstadt

Although he may seem a bit silly and carefree, Venti is actually very invested in everything that's going on in and around his area of jurisdiction. With Albedo being a Knight of Favonious member and generally considered one of the "good guys," Venti is known to keep tabs on him as a potential threat.

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As it turns out, Venti's concerns about Albedo are very much justified. In one of the cutscenes, the powerful Geo character expresses his worries about "losing control" and having someone to stop him if he turns to the dark side.

6 He Loves Simple Things

Venti is very appreciative of the small joys of life, such as apples or a particularly good glass of wine. This sets him apart from other Archons, who may have grandiose plans about the future of Teyvat.

The Anemo God only wants his people to live in peace and prosperity, be able to bring joy to the citizens of Mondstadt with his songs, and have enough Mora to satisfy his drinking habit.

5 He Loves Apples

After spending some time with him in the game, players quickly find out that Venti has a very specific taste when it comes to food. Although he sometimes can't afford to eat on a regular basis, he has some pretty strong opinions regarding various dishes and snacks.

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Perhaps because of his financial status, or because of his appreciation of small things, Venti really loves to eat apples. Mondstadt is famous for the sticky honey roast and hash browns, but Venti prefers a fresh, sweet apple, over any of these cooked delicacies.

4 Venti Likes To Prank The Other Archons

With all of the quirkiness of Venti, it is easy to forget that he is the most powerful character in Mondstadt, as one of the Seven Archons of Teyvat. He is very devoted to his region and is a competent leader, but that doesn't stop him from unleashing his prankster nature even when he's around the other Archons.

Zhongli isn't the only "victim" of his pranks. Throughout the game, players find out that he's also known for messing around with the Cryo archon, as well as other prominent characters in the game, such as Diluc or Jean.

3 He Finds Cheese Disgusting

To say that Venti does not like cheese would be an understatement. He hates it with a fiery passion, to a point where he would not stand to be around the Traveler whenever they would eat something that contains it.

Venti refers to cheese as a "sticky mess." It is unclear whether this preference comes from bad experiences with the product, or simply from his preference for sweeter foodstuffs.

2 He Wants To Write Songs For The Hilichurls

Venti is probably the most empathetic and loving character in all of Genshin Impact. His levels of empathy are so high that he even wants to befriend the Hilichurls, hostile creatures that are hated by most of Mondstadt's citizens.

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Since he knows some Hilichurl language, Venti started to try and write songs for these annoying monsters in order to befriend them, and perhaps convince them not to bother the people of Mondstadt too much.

1 He Enjoys Traveling

With his carefree nature and laidback attitude, it should come as no surprise that Venti prefers the nomadic lifestyle over settling down in one place. Whether it's exploring the other regions of Teyvat or roaming around the streets of Mondstadt while performing songs for his people, Venti seems to love being on the move.

In fact, in one of the cutscenes, Venti explains to the Traveler that they should not be too focused on the destination, and rather keep their eyes open during their travels, in order to take in the beauty of the world. This moment was the perfect depiction of Venti's nature and love for the world of Genshin Impact, a love that he certainly shares with millions of gamers around the world.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips For Genshin Impact You Need To Know

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