Friday, 09 April 2021 13:54

Outriders Update is Wiping Player Inventory Again | Game Rant

Written by Derek Nichols
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An unfortunate and frustrating glitch returns in Outriders, prompting more community outrage as the developer works to quickly put together a fix.

Following the positive reception from fans who checked out the demo back in February, Outriders has gotten off to a very fast start for developer People Can Fly. While it has already become a best seller on Steam, the Xbox version has also become one of the most played games on the service thanks to Outriders having launched day and date on Game Pass. For as much as people seem to enjoy the moment to moment gameplay and the hunt for new loot, Outriders hasn't always made the experience smooth.

At launch, Outriders suffered through days of server related issues and outages. While the game isn't a live service title, it still requires players to be online and connected to servers, meaning that these issues prevented players from actually experiencing the game. While People Can Fly has announced how it is going to reimburse players for the server issues, Outriders has also seen numerous major bugs, including one thought to have been fixed making its return out of no where.

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The Outriders subReddit has recently been flooded with angry and frustrated fans posting details on the return of the inventory wipe bug. Numerous players across multiple platforms posted images of their character missing their gear after logging in. Some players like Wolphoenix are so upset that they're cutting ties with the game completely after loosing everything from an 80 hour playthrough. Worse yet, there are some who are being impacted by this bug for a second time, after spending additional time rebuilding their character after the first wipe.

Naturally, this bug remains a huge issue, once thought to have been fixed, only to have seemingly been brought back in the most recent update. As dire as the situation is forr players who have sunk a ton of time into Outriders, the developers are aware of the issue. In a new thread over on the Steam community, a Square Enix community manager acknowledged the issue and that the team is looking into it. They're asking for more detailed information from the community to try and narrow down what is triggering this wipe. The post also confirms that players don't need to contact support and they're currently working on restoring lost inventories. In the long run, the team hopes to be able to automatically restore Epic and Legendary gear, but for now, players will need to remain patient.

While hope does appear to be on the horizon, many were surprised to read the patch notes for the first official update for Outriders. While the update brings much needed fixes to the game, it also includes a large amount of class balancing. Considering that Outriders doesn't have a PvP mode like Destiny 2, the need for these changes so quickly and soon after launch was a bit surprising to the community. Powerful and fun builds for the Trickster and Technomancer were brought back into line, reducing their effectiveness though the main issue seems to be the lack of buffs to help offset the nerf and class reductions.

Outriders is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Outriders: Status Power Explained

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