Tuesday, 20 June 2023 14:30

What Is The Pyke Syndicate In Star Wars Outlaws?

Written by Brad R. Edwards
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The Pyke Syndicate features in the upcoming Star Wars Outlaws, and here are some things about the criminal organization Star Wars fans should know.

The Star Wars galaxy has a pretty extensive criminal underworld, with organized crime playing some role from the beginning. Even as far back as A New Hope, Han Solo was a smuggler (a profession that, by definition, requires some level of illegal activity) who only helps Luke because of a debt to the crime boss Jabba the Hutt. Since then, plenty of criminal organizations have surfaced in both the canon and legends timeline: the Hutts, Black Suns, Crimson Dawn, the Exchange, Kanjiklub; but one particular group has been getting an increasing amount of focus: the Pykes.

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