Sunday, 25 June 2023 19:46

Genshin Impact PS5 Version Has Exclusive Feature You May Not Have Noticed

Written by Michael Brandon Ingram
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The PS5 version of Genshin Impact boasts an impressive graphical feature that many players might have missed with the console client.

A Genshin Impact fan has discovered an exclusive feature present within the PS5 version of Genshin Impact that neither the mobile nor PC versions of the game include. The massive popularity of the HoYoverse RPG has seen a plethora of players across its many different multi-platform versions. Players can explore Teyvat at their leisure between their PCs, home consoles with the PS4 and PS5 versions, and mobile devices offering a variety of different ways to play the game. However, a recent discovery reveals a feature that gives PS5 players a slight graphical edge.

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