Sunday, 11 April 2021 20:09

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition - How Long Will It Take to Complete All Three Games?

Written by Marina DelGreco
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The release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition is right around the corner and players are curious about how long it'll take to beat all three games.

With Mass Effect Legendary Edition right around the corner, it’s time for fans and newcomers to prepare themselves for the journey ahead. The Mass Effect series has been around since its debut in 2007 and has a dedicated and extensive fanbase. Some players picked up the game when it first launched, while others have gravitated to the series long after its finale. The original Mass Effect trilogy has been remastered as Mass Effect Legendary Edition and will release next month, and players have been eager to get their hands on it.

Seasoned players are excited to jump back in with the characters they fell in love with and experience the Milky Way all over again. New players will still find lots to love about the franchise and get to benefit from some newly improved gameplay mechanics. There’s so much to be excited for with the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, especially because it’s all three of the original games in one place alongside nearly every DLC released for the games. But, with so much content available at players’ fingertips, how long will it take to beat each game?

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The introductory game to the franchise is the weakest by comparison to its sequels, but there’s still something to be said for all it gave players at the start. Without the original game, the Mass Effect franchise wouldn’t exist today. It’s the launch point into the world BioWare created and allowed players to immerse themselves in. The Mako, the land vehicle that gave many players a proverbial (and probably physical) headache, has even had its driving mechanics improved so players can traverse planets a bit more easily.

As for how long it takes to beat the game, it depends on how much effort players put in their playthroughs. For those unfamiliar with the Mass Effect series, it’s highly advised that players complete every side mission as well as the main story because some things that may seem unimportant actually play a big role later on. Completing the first Mass Effect game can take anywhere from 18 to 30 hours, approximately, depending on if players just finish the main story or complete side quests as well. For those who really like a challenge, a completionist playthrough can take up to 50 hours, depending on how fast or slow players are.

Mass Effect 2 is when the stakes start to get really high for players. In the first Mass Effect game, there’s some carry-over depending on choices made in the main or side missions, but Mass Effect 2 massively ups the ante. Players spend the entire game gearing up for the Suicide Mission, which with a name like that it’s no surprise players get a little stressed about it. There are certain steps players can take to make sure that the entire crew survives the mission, and some preparation comes with side missions scattered throughout the game. Completing loyalty missions can not only increase the chance of a crew member’s survival, but they’re also a way to get to know the crew on a more intimate level.

If a player is trying to romance one of their crew members, completing that loyalty mission is crucial to the relationship growing. Mass Effect 2 can easily take anywhere from 25 to 50 hours to complete, especially depending on the player's skill level and investment in other non-story missions. Mass Effect 2 also has a ton of DLC, now included in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, which will keep players occupied longer than just completing the main storyline missions. Completionists can expect to spend 50 hours or more playing ME2 while non-completionists can finish the game in around 25 hours, give or take.

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Where Mass Effect 2 raises the bar, Mass Effect 3 surpasses any stakes previously set. It’s the final entry into the trilogy, and though the endings have left fans divided, there’s no understating how important the mission is. The final showdown between the Milky Way galaxy and the Reapers is what players have geared up for throughout the previous two games, but the work isn’t over yet. ME3 also comes packed with DLC and side missions, the latter of which can have a big impact on how many resources players have when fighting the Reapers.

Right on par with ME2, Mass Effect 3 can take anywhere from 25 to 50 hours to complete. Casual players can expect to spend less time than a completionist, but it’s still recommended to play most, if not all, of the missions for a truly fulfilling experience. Those who play extra items but still don’t strive for full completion can expect to finish the game after about 36 hours. Lots of players tend to take their time with ME3 because it’s the last game of the original trilogy.

Every time reported is approximate and will ultimately depend on the skill level of the player and how fast they’re trying to get through the game. Those who want a quick playthrough will ultimately do things a lot faster than those doing a casual, laid-back campaign. Players only wanting to complete the main story throughout all three games can expect to spend about 68 hours playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Completionists, on the other hand, can expect to spend about 150 hours on all three games. However, this number is incredibly dependent on how efficient players are during each game’s playthrough. Casual playthroughs definitely take longer than those who have a get-in and get-out approach, but playstyle ultimately depends on what players want. For all three games included in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, it can be expected to take anywhere from 68 to 150 hours for a total storyline playthrough.

Mass Effect is a journey meant to be savored as players traverse across the galaxy and help accrue resources to save the Milky Way and its inhabitants. Ultimately, hours put in only matter so far as players put stock in it. If players have a good time circling the Citadel for hours before going on any other missions, it’s okay. All that matters is that players enjoy their time in the Mass Effect universe.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition will be available May 14 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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