Future Trunks made waves and impactful acts throughout his first introduction back in Dragon Ball Z, and remains to this day many peoples' favorite character. Due to his inner struggles, as well as his captivating story and personality throughout the Androids/Cell Saga, Future Trunks solidified his presence in many people's eyes as a very important character to not only the concept of time travel in the Dragon Ball universe but also in Dragon Ball Xenoverse as a staple character. Nevertheless, Future Trunks doesn't stay long, and soon in the Majin Buu Saga we are introduced to Present Trunks, a younger more brash personality with a better life and family. However, many are willing to debate and argue that Future Trunks has a much better character arc and usefulness to the plot as opposed to Present Trunks. Is this true though? Does Dragon Ball benefit more from having Future Trunks or Present Trunks in its roster of characters?