Saturday, 15 July 2023 14:01

Star Wars Outlaws Would Be Leaving Money on the Table Without One Explorable Planet

Written by Joseph Andress
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Star Wars Outlaws promises an expansive open-world adventure, but it would be a missed opportunity if one iconic planet wasn't included.

Star Wars' gaming efforts in recent years have provided mostly linear experiences that deliver experiences that while new, often feel familiar to longtime fans. The Star Wars Jedi series from Respawn Entertainment provides a modern Jedi experience akin to the classic Jedi Knight series, and Star Wars Squadrons offered in-depth starship combat similar to Rogue Squadron. With Star Wars Outlaws, however, Ubisoft looks to deliver an expansive, open-world Star Wars title that does things no game set in the franchise has ever done. All in front of a smuggler-centered backdrop that explores the seedier sides of the galaxy.

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