Saturday, 15 July 2023 17:00

DC Shouldn't Have to Wait for Superman: Legacy to Make a Superman Game

Written by Cameron Lucas
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James Gunn's Superman: Legacy is officially set to release in 2025, but the face of DC has deserved a proper video game entry long for years now.

Superman is arguably the most iconic superhero property of all time, but the same cannot be said of the character's presence in the world of video games. At times outshined by his peers despite being the face of the Justice League, Superman has largely been relegated to supporting roles throughout various appearances over the years. Now that Superman: Legacy has been confirmed to be in production and kickstarting a new universe of DC Comics films, it could finally be time for the man of steel to get his just dues with a solid title. With the movie’s estimated release so far away, however, the time for a Superman game could be sooner than later.

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