Wednesday, 19 July 2023 18:15

Fallout Setting Tier List

Written by Cameron Lucas
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The Fallout series is home to several sprawling wastelands, but some of its post-apocalyptic locations have proven to be a cut above the rest.

Fallout 76 is the latest in a long line of titles that preceded it, with greater Fallout franchise widely considered to be one of the greatest series’ of RPGs ever created. Brought into the modern gaming industry when Bethesda took the reins and released Fallout 3 in 2008, Fallout has since seen a resurgence that has placed its modern and original titles among favorites for many fans of the genre. Single-player titles released before Fallout 76 rose to fame through the branching storylines and developed characters the series is famous for, but the signature post-apocalyptic setting lies at the core of Fallout.

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